Chapter 16

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Third Person POV


"Ready?" she asked Mia. They were both attempting to go to the Vocaloid World, which would be no problem for Ini, but for Mia... That was another story.

Mia nodded her head weakly, before grabbing her band and immediately dropping off to sleep. Ini took that as a good sign, before she took her own band and settled into a comfortable position, closing her eyes.

She stepped into the Vocaloid World and realised that she and Mia were the only ones there. Mia! She was on the feet, looking around before she fainted. Ini lunged forward and was able to catch her before she hit the floor. She laid Mia on the couch, which she had trouble with due to the size differences between their Vocaloids.

Rachel and Louis were the next two to appear, and immediately rushed to Mia's side. Rachel turned to Ini and asked, "Do you know anything else of what happened this afternoon?"

Ini tugged her hair slightly. "Mia told me she was rejected by Kevin when it came to being Soulmates."

"But Kevin loves her! We've seen them together, they are so close!" Rachel shook her head frantically. "That can't be the case!"

"From what I can gather, Kevin believed he was being cheated on. Remember that Elliot was speaking with Mia in front of the library. He may have misunderstood the whole situation and rejected Mia based on that!"

"Rejecting Soulmates, I've read something about that... I'll be right back!" Louis explained before dashing into the town. Rachel stayed with Ini and Mia. Ini had grabbed a damp towel and was wiping Mia's forehead, due to her temperature. She was literally burning up. She suddenly flickered between Meiko and herself, causing Ini to drop the towel in shock.

"M-Mia...?" Ini was becoming frightened. Rachel frowned before she stepped to her computer. After a couple minutes of frantic typing and clicking, she called Ini over.

"Look at this." She showed the screen to Ini. Ini gasped in shock at the sight she saw. She saw Mia asleep in their room, but that wasn't what concerned her. She was more focused on her band. Mia's band was becoming more damaged by the second. Louis came running in at this moment, breathing heavily and a look of panic evident upon his face.

"Rachel, send Mia back NOW!" he ordered, and Rachel followed his order without question. Mia's body disappeared in a burst of red light. Ini took notice of the large book he was holding.

"Woah, Louis, what's happening?" she asked. Louis took the couch Mia had just vacated and Ini and Rachel said either side of him. Louis let the book fall open at a marked page.

"This is a Vocaloid Actor handbook. It contains everything to know about Vocaloid Actors. I found this in the 'Soulmates' chapter." Ini leaned over and read the paragraph Louis was pointing to.

'Rejection - There is a chance that a Soulmate may be rejected by their other half. This has yet to happen in Vocaloid Actor history, but there are still consequences surrounding the whole issue. If a Vocaloid Actor is rejected by their Soulmate, they will lose all meaning of Vocaloid Actors. They believe there is no reason to be a Vocaloid Actor. They immediately lose all their trademark characteristics of being a Vocaloid Actor, except their band. If they do anything related to Vocaloid Actors from that moment on, their band will begin to fade away. This includes sending/receiving Mind-Messages, visiting the Vocaloid World and even wearing their band. Once the band has completely wasted away, they are no longer a Vocaloid Actor and can no longer be assigned to be any other Vocaloid Actor.'

"Is this saying that Mia's role as a Vocaloid Actor is slowly disappearing?!" Ini exclaimed in panic. "But what about the one who did the rejecting? Don't they receive consequences?!"

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