Hanahaki AU - Part 2

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It only took a day for me and Ini to settle into a routine of clearing out flowers from my bag every hour or so. She would also occasionally use 'Anapneo' on me when I was struggling to cough up any stubborn blossoms. At least the blossoms would disappear and I would stop choking.

And when it came to the petals coming out of my nose, it also happened whenever I sneezed, which was a pretty common experience.

My throat was constantly sore, a dull pain that intensified whenever petals or blossoms would force their way up from my lungs. It was also constantly dry, and no matter how much I drank I gained no relief. No painkillers would help.

Ini was currently finding and reading any Hanahaki fanfictions she could find in the name of research. She would also spend every night in the Vocaloid World, which I was restricted from until I could fix my band.

The disease progressed quickly.

Two days later, I woke up with a splitting headache and immediately coughed up two blossoms. They fell into the sick bowl at the side of my bed. They seemed... different. I could also feel some sort of liquid drip from my lips and land on my bed sheets.

I left the bed and took the blossoms to examine them more closely. To my horror, each petal was ringed with a crimson liquid. I looked to my bed sheets where the fluid fell. It was stained bright red.

Oh god, no way! I'm coughing up blood! No wonder it felt like my throat had been slashed with a knife. I immediately went to Ini's bed and shook her shoulder roughly.

"Ini! Ini, wake up!" I yelled pretty forcefully.

It didn't take long for her to open her eyes.

"Geez, Mia. I thought I was the early riser in this family."

"Why? What time is it?"


"You're kidding?!"

She shook her head groggily, rubbing sleep out of her eyes. She looked at me blearily, and I noticed dark circles were starting to form under her eyes.

"What's so important for you to wake me up this early?!"

I gestured to the blossoms and the stain on my sheets while explaining that I had started to cough up blood. That caught Ini's attention and she immediately woke her computer and clicked to, what seemed to be, a random tab in the multiple she has open.

"This isn't good, you're progressing way too quickly. Coughing up blood is one of the last stages before suffocation."

I sneezed and caught the petals in a tissue. I felt blood dripping from my nostril.

"Apparently, they also cause nosebleeds," I added, taking another tissue to stem the flow.

As if that wasn't bad enough, a wave of pain hit me hard in the abdomen and I felt the ache grow and grow. What followed next made me dash to the bathroom. Just my luck to start my time of the month on the same day I start coughing up blood. I cleaned myself up and got back to the bedroom, curling up on the bed to try and ease the pain in my abdomen.

Ini fetched some painkillers, but they did little to help.

Mum came in to get us up for school, two hours later. She came in to see Ini reading something on her laptop and me moving around, trying to find a position to relieve my pain, tears running down my face. My stomach chose this moment to flip and I threw up into the sick bowl, which thankfully covered up the flowers.

"Ini, your breakfast is in the kitchen." Ini immediately left for the kitchen, while I try to imagine stomaching any food in this state. "Mia, you don't seem well. What's wrong?"

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