Chapter 17

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Ring! Ring!

"Ini, turn that accursed alarm off, or I'll slam my pillow into your face!" Mia grumbled miserably from her bed. I brought my head up sleepily and pressed the off button on my alarm clock. Mia's head was halfway into her pillow and a thin line of drool had escaped the left side of her mouth.

Mia's condition had improved over the week, but she was still prone to vomiting and was extremely tired.

"Sorry, Mia! But me and Rachel are going out today!" I replied. Mia grunted and turned her head up towards me. Her eyes were mostly closed, but I could see her pupils looking across to me.

"Why? And do you really need to get up early? It's Saturday and our whole family sleeps in!" she announced. As if I didn't know that. The first Saturday I spent with them, I was awake hours before the rest of the family. The routine of waking up at 7:00am with my adoptive mother hadn't left me.

"Sorry, Mia! Can't tell you, it's a surprise! Also feel free to go back to sleep." I went to my top drawer with my clothes. I took out a pink t-shirt, white leggings and a white hoodie. I went to Mia's wardrobe afterwards where my shoes were stored. I poked my head in and took the white trainers with pink laces.

Mia had dropped back off to sleep by the time I had picked out my clothes. That meant I felt safe to get dressed in the room. It was really becoming annoying to trek to the bathroom to get dressed. Dad had suggested hanging a curtain in the middle of the room to separate us when we got dressed, but hadn't got around to it yet. Mia snarkly remarked that he would never get around to it.

Once I was dressed, I headed to the kitchen and made some toast and coffee. Once it was ready, I ate it in front of my laptop, with my earbuds in. I then relieved myself and brushed and flossed my teeth.

I came back to our room and sat down, and started on the main reason I got up early every morning. My makeup. I applied primer, before starting on my foundation and concealor. I applied pale blue eyeshadow to compliment my eyes and added mascara. I also used lipgloss and blush, but ended it there as I wanted a natural look.

I plugged in my straighteners and as I waited for them to heat up, I brushed my hair. Like Mia, my hair became very frizzy, very quickly. I heard the beep and began straigtening my hair.

Rachel: 'What time do you want to leave?'

My hand shook as I heard Rachel's Mind-Message. I calmed myself and took a moment to finish the current section of hair.

Ini: 'As soon as possible. Considering my pace, I should be ready to go by 9:30am.'

Rachel: 'Well, the closest train station is five minutes away and the first train up to Kendal is at 9:45am, so hopefully we can catch that one!'

I sighed and finished straightening my hair, before adding the temporary pink dye and my heart barrette. It was going to stay down today. I grabbed a bag with my phone, purse and keys. I also grabbed some snacks and a bottle of juice, considering the journey will be a few hours.

I left the house and met Rachel across the street. She had blue and pink streaks through her hair and she was wearing dark sunglasses. "Got to stay incognito!"

"The news, right?" I replied. Everyone had gone crazy with the reveal of Vocaloid Actors and the air was thick with rumours of further Vocaloid Actors. I was relying on Kokone's underappreciation to get out of this trip alive.

"Hopefully nobody mistakes you for Mia," Rachel teased me, and I raised my eyebrow. With our differences I was surprised that people still mixed me up with Mia.

We began walking down the street and I began digging through my purse, counting up my notes. Hopefully I had enough to pay for our tickets by cash. I didn't want to use my card. "Ini, don't worry! I've prepaid for our tickets online! We just scan these receipts I printed off to receive our tickets."

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