Chapter 10 As the years go by

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As the years go by my love grows fir Tadashi. In middle school everyone looks at him as a nerd (because he's pretty smart). But I look at him as a genius. In high school the same story. But I see more than a nerd I see a genius. That will one day help the world. In graduation each of us apply for college and go your separate ways.

"Dad I am leavening for college." I shout as I open the door
"Okay have a good first day." He replies
"Will do." I answer back
"Wait!" I here my mom scream behind me
"What do you want?" I say as my mom pulls out her camera
"Picture time." She replies
"Ugh! Fine." I say

I stand by the door and smile. Then I see a flash and hear a click. And walk out of the door. Waving by to everyone as you get in your car.
You stop your car at San Francisokyo institution of technology. You walk up the steps and bump into someone.

"What's wrong with you." I say angrily to the man you bumped in to.
"Sorry....wait y/n?" The mystery man ask
"Yes and you are?" I say without looking at his face
"Tadashi Hamanda." He answers
"Tadashi!" I say as I see his slim face and soft kind eyes look back at me.
"I can't believe it's you. You go here too!" I reply
" Ya I am part of the science department." He says
"Really I am planning to be a y/c (you/choose)." I say
""Cool." He replies
"Tadashi come on where are you?" I Hera a voice say
"Hiro?" You say as a short young boy walks out from Tadashi.
"Do I know you?" The boy says
"Hiro it's y/n." Tadashi tells Hiro
"Y/n! Wow you go here that amazing. Tadashi are you go to show me that thing?" Hiro ask Tadashi
"Just give me a minute. Do you want to come y/n?" Tadashi ask you
"Sure." I say

I follow him through the maze of halls to a door. You walk in to the room and see a mess.

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