Chapter 25

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The three of them were sitting in the Great Hall. It was the last day of school and the winning house was going to be announced. Professor Mcgonagall and Professor Longbottom were cured and were sitting in their respective places. No one yet knew what had happened to 'Hepzibah Smith.' 

Everyone was gobbling up food when Professor Mcgonagall got up and said " Good Evening students. I suppose many of you might be thinking that what happened to our new student, Hepzibah Smith. I want to tell you all that she was not a student, she was Delphini Riddle, more commonly known as Walpurgisa, the daughter of Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange." There were gasps and murmurs. Then she continued, "Yes, she was after Albus Potter and she had quite a fight with him, Cheryll Chang, Scorpius Malfoy, Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy. James Potter was also present there. For the time being we don't know where she is residing or how she learnt this powerful dark magic. I also want to honour Natalie Piroshki, she was murdered by Walpurgisa herself. Natalie was a very sweet and helpful person and was always there for her friends. We shall never forget her. And now for the winner- Well Slytherin is in the lead with 260 points. Because of Albus Potter, Cheryll Chang and Scorpius Malfoy, they will be awarded with 30 more points." There were claps and cheers from the Slytherin table and some loathing looks from the Gryffindors. In second place we have Gryffindor with 200 points. James Potter will be awarded with 10 points for his presence of mind." There were claps from the Gryffindor table. In the third place we have Hufflepuff with 170 points." There were some claps from the Hufflepuff table. And in fourth place we have Ravenclaw. Congratulations to the winning houses. We look forward to meet you all next year." she finished and sat. After the feast, the three of them visited Professor Longbottom and Hagrid. Then they made plans to meet during the holidays. "If we are alive by then." said Albus.

They reached Platform Nine and Three Quarters. "So one year without dying." said Scorpius triumphantly.

"Yup. Now if Walpurgisa doesn't kill me during the holidays, I mean she stayed at a hospital to put a dead person on the Imperius curse and kill another person who had nothing to do with her so sparing me is next to impossible. But if by chance she spares me this year, I would have to wait for my results to come to die. " said Albus.

"I told you to study." Scorpius said.

"Sorry mom." said Albus.

"Oh shut up." he replied.

"Why didn't professor mention that Natalie's best friend was her murderer, not Walpurgisa?" asked Cheryll.

"Well, because that would land Xuan's family in big trouble. Many people will think that she was working for Walpurgisa and wouldn't even consider the fact that she was dead when she murdered her. She doesn't want to make her family feel like outcasts." said Scorpius.

"Ohh! I never thought about it that way." said Cheryll

"That's why I am the brains and you are the brawns." he replied. Both Cheryll and Albus rolled their eyes at this.

"Well, there are our parents." Albus said and the three of them said goodbyes and went back home with their families having no idea what lie ahead for them.

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