Chapter 18

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The days at Hogwarts had started and all the students were busy with classes, practices and detentions. All the teachers and students were busy with the upcoming exams. Ivy had made it her earmark to bully the three of them but mainly Cheryll was her target. At first it didn't irritate her at all but then she lost her cool and started picking up fights with her and her minions. Both of them had even had to go to Madam Pomfrey as Cheryll had broken Ivy's nose and Ivy Cheryll's arm. Both of them even had detention. Some days later Professor Mcgonagall announced that dementors will be guarding Hogwarts. This earned a lot of worried murmurs and anxious looks. Some Ravenclaw asked "Why Professor?"

"This is because Walpurgisa who is Voldemort's daughter has started murdering people and as you might be knowing she wants Albus Potter. Our main aim is to keep him and all of you safe. Lately, we didn't know if she is as strong as her father but her horrible murders have proved that she is as strong as him. It will not be easy to kill her but right now our priority is to keep you all free of worry." With this, all the students went back to their classes and again there were murmurs about Albus Potter but this time they were of pity rather than criticism. The days passed by and as usual everything was normal. Then one evening when Albus and Scorpius were completing their homework, they saw Cheryll practically running over to them. '' What happened Chery?" asked Albus.

"So, have you seen that girl anywhere before?" she asked.

"Yeah, she was in the herbology, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Care of Magical Creatures and every other class.'' answered Scorpius.

"And she was sitting right beside me in the Great Hall during lunch." added Albus.

"And she was there during Quidditch practice but try to remember, have you ever seen her before?" asked Cheryll.

"Yeah, like yesterday." answered Albus.

"I meant before these holidays." said Cheryll impatiently.

"Nope, but maybe she is a new student." said Scorpius with a shrug.

"There are no new students in Hogwarts." asked Cheryll.

"Maybe she is a second year?" Why are you interested in her?" asked Albus, puzzled.

"No, she is not a second year because she is in all our classes and I am interested in her because a killer who is apparently the daughter of a mass murderer wants to kill you and anything weird needs to be investigated." she said firmly.

"OK, Lets go ask Professor Mcgonagall." said Albus, coolly.

"Yeah, lets go Chery." Scorpius agreed and the three of them went to meet Professor Mcgonagall. On their way Scorpius stopped them and asked " Wait, what are we going to ask her? Do you know this blonde girl with fierce grey eyes who is everywhere because we think that she is Walpurgisa? We don't even know her name.''

"Lets go ask her." Cheryll said.

"And what are we gonna ask? Hi, what is your name because we think you are a mass murderer?" asked Albus.

"Yes, we are going to ask that minus the mass murderer part." Cheryll said

"As you say." Albus said and they went back to the dormitory.  

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