Chapter 14

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Their holidays had been very exciting and energetic and they couldn't believe that they ended so quickly. Now they were having immense pressure because classes had got difficult and they were getting more homework than ever even when they had summer holidays before the exams. "What are we studying for? Exams are eons away'' asked Cheryll in the evening. She was having double pressure because she even had her Quidditch final with Hufflepuff and she had to study also. Albus who had not paid attention in any subject except Defence Against the Dark Arts was so chill that it was difficult to comprehend from his face that he had pressure. Scorpius on the other hand was the total opposite. He was revising day and night. He even tried to get Albus to study but he just brushed it off. "The exams are just months away." He said coolly.

"I don't think you would feel the same way when you fail." said Cheryll who had gotten back from her practice.

"Of course I will not fail." He replied "And even if I fail I will die, what difference is it going to make.?"

"Shut up and stop thinking about your deathbed. You don't want to study, don't but if you say another word about that Walpurgisa I will kill you before you can say her name." said Cheryll.

" The truth is the truth Chery."

"Well, right now the truth Is that we are having our exams in like 5 months and Professor Mcgonagall does not care that someone is going to kill you. She will fail you anyway." said Scorpius

"Okay. Okay. I'll study. It's not like I don't know anything. And maybe I'll revise a bit late but that doesn't mean that I am going to fail." he said. Suddenly Cheryll shut her book with a bang and rested her head on the desk.

"What happened?" asked Scorpius.

"I am a parselmouth." she answered

"So?" asked Albus.

"Al, you have to agree; all the parselmouths till date were dark wizards." she said

"Even my dad was a parselmouth." he said even though he knew her answer.

"Yeah but only till he was a horcrux. Now he is not, is he?''

"Chery, you are a Slytherin. You should be proud of this trait." said Scorpius.

"I know but both of you know that he did things that many Slytherins are not proud of. Then there is Voldemort."

"I know but there is a first time for everything." said Albus.

"Whatever." she said and left the common room.

The next day also she didn't really talk until it was very important. Albus and Scorpius tried to lift her mood but it was of no use. As usual she didn't pay any attention during classes and doodled on her book. Professor Longbottom sensed something was wrong and asked the three of them to meet after all their classes. Unfortunately, the other teachers weren't that understanding and she got a scolding three times. After their classes they went to meet Professor Longbottom. He offered them some tea and asked, "So what's wrong Cheryll?"

"Nothing." she said without thinking.

"That is exactly the answer I expected and that is why I called Albus and Scorpius. So now you are going to tell me what happened." he said.

"We won't tell until Cheryll is ok with it." Scorpius said and at the same time Albus said "Chery is a parselmouth."

"Too much for keeping quiet." said Cheryll who was now on the verge of tears.

"Cheryll, why is being a parselmouth wrong?" asked Longbottom.

"All the parselmouths have been dark wizards."

"No one is sure about that. I am sure there were many parselmouths that people don't even know about and they were good wizards. For instance Ha-"

"I know Harry Potter was a parselmouth but only until he was a horcrux." she cut his words.

"The main thing is that you are a Slytherin, parselmouth and a good wizard."

"Yeah." she said but it was evident that she didn't agree with him.

"What if you'll be known as the first parselmouth who was a good wizard? You know that you are not a dark wizard. Being a parselmouth does not change this fact. Your friends and the people you love still see you as Cheryll only, they don't care if you can talk to snakes. And neither should you." he said.

She nodded and understood what he wanted to tell her. She thanked him and they left the room. This time they were laughing and talking and no one cared about Cheryll being a parselmouth.

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