Chapter 4

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The first week was a disaster for Albus. The students of other houses teased him a lot. Even his own brother wouldn't look at him. He couldn't imagine that the time he had looked forward to the most would become his biggest nightmare. Surprisingly, his fellow Slytherins stuck up for him every single time. Scorpius and Cheryll never left his side. He admired Cheryll a lot for her bold personality. Unlike Albus she didn't care at all that she was put in the house of dark wizards or that her whole family consisted of Ravenclaws and she was a Slytherin. Even her brother Cedric congratulated her with a bear hug. The week went on and on with taunts from the other houses and deathly looks for the other houses. Cheryll's glare was enough to shut up all the students and after seeing it, he made a mental note to never make her angry. Albus was very thankful to them but couldn't help but feel like a disappointment. His parents didn't mind this at all and supported him whole-heartedly but he was still very sad.

The next week Bellatrix came with news that uplifted his spirits. They were having their first flying lessons in the afternoon. All the first years raved on and on about it and for the first time he joined them.

All the students reached the school grounds and saw that Madam Hooch was already there with some brooms. All of them stood beside brooms.

She spoke "Good afternoon and welcome to your first ever flying lesson. Today you will be learning some basics of flying but with that you will have a once in a lifetime opportunity. Yes... You will be competing with your own housemates and let me tell you, this is rare. Today, you will be closely examined and one of you will be selected for your respective house's Quidditch team.

All the students burst into applause. Albus was also excited but he didn't want that spot that bad. He had always been interested in the idea of flying but being selected for a Quidditch team was not on his list. He knew for a fact that Cheryll wanted the spot badly. Incidentally all of their parents were seekers but Albus and Scorpius didn't care much, on the other hand Cheryll would give away anything for that spot. And he knew he was right by seeing the gleam in her eyes-they literally shone.

On Madam Hooch's cue all the students said 'UP'. Only Cheryll's and Bellatrix's broom came in their hands. After some trials all of the students were on their brooms. They started flying. Some students were a bit rusty, some tried to show off, some were just frightened and some were doing fine. Clearly, Cheryll was the best of all. She didn't need to show it off, she stood out and she had no idea about it. Her eyes were closed as if she was meditating and there was a soothing look on her face which Albus had never seen before. After a while, Madam Hooch asked them to come down so that she could tell her final decision. Unlike many others, Cheryll simply got off her broom and still had no idea that she was the best.

Madam Hooch said "All of you gave your best and I am pleased that none of you broke any bones which is the most common scene on this ground. I have made my decision and I don't want to offend anyone but it was maybe the most easiest decision of my life. Cheryll Chang is Slytherin's new seeker" Everyone applauded and she was shining with pride. Then Albus and Scorpius. Scorpius said "Our best friend is gonna be the best seeker ever. Wouldn't she, Al?"

"I didn't know I became your bestie" Said Cheryll, smiling.

"Well you don't have any choice. And by the way you should start calling me Al"

"Okay and you guys should start calling me Chery"

"Yeah. OK. But note one thing I love my name and I don't need any nicknames. I am better off as Scorpius" Said Scorpius laughing. The other two also laughed with him and went to the great hall for lunch. For the first time Albus felt that he could fit in at Hogwarts.

The whole house was congratulating Cheryll. Even the captain, Zachary Dibsonn talked to her and it was not hard to tell that she was blushing. Zachary was a tall guy with brown hair and sea green eyes. It wasn't surprising that girls liked him a lot. Scorpius and Albus had not missed any chance to tease Cheryll about him. They were all in the common room, doing their homework when Albus said" Chery, here comes Zachary!!" She looked up but as anticipated, he was not there.

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