Chapter 3

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When they reached Hogwarts, Albus just couldn't close his mouth. It was the most beautiful thing ever. They took a boat to reach there. Albus, Scorpius, Cheryll and a girl named Bellatrix were sitting in the boat. Albus didn't like Bellatrix at all, who names their child after a death eater? Then they reached Hogwarts. It was mesmerizing, If it was beautiful from outside so it was heaven from inside. They reached the Great Hall which was a huge room with a very high ceiling, there were four tables for each of the houses and in the front all the teachers were sitting. Professor Longbottom stood there and just beside him of course, a black filthy hat- the sorting hat. The hat sung a song but Albus didn't hear anything as he was busy gazing around. Then he snapped back to reality when professor said, '' Malfoy, Scorpius"The hat had barely touched his head when it shouted, "Slytherin!" There were claps from the Slytherin table. Then it shouted, "Scamander, Lorcan." "Hufflepuff."

"Scamander, Lysander." "Ravenclaw!"

"Zabini, Bellatrix." "Slytherin."

"Chang- Hamilton, Cheryll." There were murmurs about her obviously being in Ravenclaw. She sat on the stool and put the hat on her head. The hat didn't say anything for a minute, then someone from the Hufflepuff table shouted, "Hatstall!" After a second the hat shouted, "Slytherin." There were gasps and murmurs from the other houses but the Slytherins were clapping. Albus expected her to be sad but when he saw her, her eyes were glowing with pride. Then suddenly Professor said "Potter, Albus." Again there were murmurs about him being in Gryffindor. Many people were pointing at him and in the short walk of climbing up the stairs, he heard the word 'Harry Potter' more than once. He sat and the hat shouted, "Slytherin." No one spoke anything, even the Slytherins went numb. He sheepishly went and sat between Scorpius and Cheryll.

Then Professor Mcgonagall gave a huge speech and after that all the children dug into the food. The Slytherins had gotten over their initial shock and had started talking to Albus, he tried a lot to speak but couldn't because he was sure if he spoke, he would break down. Scorpius was talking about books and subjects, Cheryll had quickly warmed up to everyone and was talking to a couple of boys about Quidditch. After the meal, they went to the dormitories to sleep. Albus couldn't sleep at all but Scorpius and Cheryll slept soundly having not the faintest idea what lay ahead for them

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