Chapter 9

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Next day they got the news about Slytherin and Gryffindor's match which was scheduled for the next week. Albus wanted Slytherin to win more than anything to show his brother what his house was capable of. Scorpius on the other hand couldn't concentrate on anything. He had got the news that his mother was not doing well at all and Delphini was the last thing on his mind. His dad sent him letters everyday, telling him about his mother's health. Cheryll had Quidditch practice everyday and Albus had to complete his homework and study. None of them had a decent conversation for a long time. The day of the Quidditch match arrived and Cheryll didn't eat anything. Albus was more nervous than Cheryll but Scorpius didn't even remember about the match until he heard everyone talk about it. They reached the Quidditch ground and it was evident that the whole school had come to see this match. He was surprised to see that Rose was the Gryffindor chaser.

 Both the teams stood opposite to each other. Madam Hooch said "Mount your brooms'' then blew a whistle and the game started. The commentator spoke" And the game has started. Gryffindor in possession... Gryffindor scores!! Looks like they practiced well. But wait... Slytherin scores! Both the houses are tied. Looks like the Gryffindor seeker has spotted the snitch.'' There was a nooooo from the Gryffindors as The bludger had hit the seeker. He continued "Slytherin's seeker just after the snitch and the Gryffindor seeker just beside her. And the Slytherin seeker extends her arms and..... she has got it and ooooohhh she has fallen. Fallen after victory." The game had lasted for 8 minutes and the look on James' face was priceless. It was probably the shortest match ever. All the Slytherin players high-fived and hugged each other and even though Cheryll couldn't even walk properly after the fall, it was impossible to wipe the beam of her face.

  During all the classes, every Slytherin congratulated Cheryll. They reached the Great Hall after dodging a lot of students who wanted to talk to Cheryll, she did want to talk to them but her stomach was not agreeing. They gobbled up the food while Scorpius talked to them about something written in the 'History of Magic.' They weren't actually talking, they were just eating and Scorpius was going on and on even when he knew that they weren't listening. Suddenly, Albus felt a tap on his shoulder. He looked behind him and saw James standing. It wasn't evident who felt more loath- Albus or Cheryll. Scorpius had not noticed him but when he felt that his friends had stopped eating or moving, he also turned around and was stunned that he almost dropped his goblet.

"Hey" said James, unsurely.

"What? Why are you talking to your inferiors? Go sit with your Gryffindors." said Albus rudely.

"Listen to me Al." Said James

"You've lost the authority to call me Al."

"Albus Severus Potter, I am your brother."

"Oh really?" Said Cheryll and waited to check if Albus would stop her, he didn't so she continued "I didn't know that brothers bullied each other if they were sorted into different houses. It was not Al's fault that he was sorted into Slytherin. And you know what, he is much better than you. I would have said that you don't deserve to be in the house of brave wizards but seeing your personality, it's a surprise you are a wizard at all.'' She finished.

"Al, tell her to shut up."

"Oh, so now you are depending on Al to ask her to stop talking even when she is right." said Scorpius. Both of them were surprised to see that he was fighting as he was normally the peacemaker. "You bully your brother and then you depend on him to stand up for you? Amazing."

"Well I came here to apologize but it seems as if it is of no use that you have found yourself such good friends." Said James.

"Yeah, it will be of no use so just go and enjoy your life and stop wasting my time." Albus nearly shouted and walked out of the Great Hall

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