Chapter 2

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At the crack of dawn Albus woke up. The most awaited day had finally come! He walked out of his room and smelled something delicious. "Hey mom, why are you up so early?" He asked.

"Well, for starters I am your mother." She replied with a small smile.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked, puzzled.

"Nothing" She replied.

After a sumptuous meal, the potters arrived at Platform 9 3/4. All the kids were eagerly waiting for the train to arrive.

"Dad, what if I am put in Slytherin?" Asked Albus worriedly

"Albus Severus Potter, you are named after two headmasters of Hogwarts and one of them was in Slytherin." Harry replied.

"But dad it is the house of dark wizards."

"I was saved by a dark wizard myself."

"What?who?!" Albus was startled.

"Narcissa Malfoy. I'll tell you the whole story later. See, Ron and Hermoine have arrived."

After a lot of crying and goodbyes, Albus entered the Hogwarts Express. His cousin Rose Granger-Weasley was behind him. They saw a compartment with just one boy sitting in it. He had grey eyes, blond hair and a pale pointed face. He looked somewhat familiar but Albus couldn't recall when and where he had seen him. "Can we sit in here?" He asked

Before he could say anything, Rose said "Lets sit somewhere else Al."

"Well, almost all the train is full. I think we can sit here." Said Albus.

"No, come on Al. There will be other seats. It's a huge train." She said "You can go. I am sitting here only."

"Fine." She turned around and walked boldly to another compartment. Albus went and sat down. "Sorry about her, she isn't usually like that. I don't know what happened to her" Said Albus apologetically.

"She left because of me" Said the boy.

"You? She doesn't even know you" Replied Albus.

"Yeah she doesn't but she knows my father-Draco Malfoy. I am Scorpius Malfoy. Anyone can guess it by our similar features. Our parents... they didn't get along at all"

"Well, your dad is kind of the reason I am alive so I don't mind sitting with you"

He was cut by a voice " Hey! Can I sit here?" It was a girl who had jet black which was pulled in a French braid here and brown eyes. She was thin and had somewhat Asian features and could be called beautiful under some circumsatnces.

"Why?" Asked Albus

"Um... because it is essential for humankind to rest their body and that is done by sitting" She replied sarcastically.


She simply sat down and started reading a book. He could identify that book anywhere, it sat on his dad's desk and was easily one of his most prized possessions. It read 'Quidditch through the Ages'. Albus felt kind of nasty for talking to her rudely so he thought maybe he could talk to her. "You like quidditch?" He asked.

"Yeah" She replied with disinterest. She didn't even look above the book.

"So, I am Albus Severus Potter. This is Scorpius Malfoy."

"I know" She replied, still not gazing at him.

"How?" He asked, confused.

"Because of your parents" She replied finally closing the book with a sigh. "I am Cheryll Ginevra Hamilton- Chang" She said.

"Your middle name and surname are familiar."

"Yeah. My middle name is on your mom's name and my mother is Cho Chang. My mom didn't change her surname after she was married and Hamilton did not suit my name so I took my mom's name. You know the name because your dad and my mom went to school together. My mom was a year above your dad. They dated for a while"

"Then why did your mom name her daughter on her ex boyfriend's wife?"

"So, your dad liked my mom but my mom liked Cedric Diggory. He died in the Triwizard Tournament and your dad was the only witness. They went on dates and stuff but deep down my mom still loved Cedric. They broke up because of some misunderstandings and your parents started dating. When she was ready for a relationship, your dad was already taken, she was sad but also happy for your dad. She knew that your mom was right for him and moved on. But as she liked both of the boys a lot, she named my elder brother Cedric and my middle name became Ginevra."

"Whoa. So in other words, your mom was totally messed up" Albus was surprised. How did she know about all this and he was oblivious. But then again why would he be interested in his parents' exes?

"Kind of." Cheryll replied

Scorpius interrupted his thoughts and said "It was a nice story with a happily ever after but don't you think that us talking to each other is pointless?"

"Why?" Asked Albus

"Because I am going to be in Slytherin, you in Gryffindor and Cheryll in Ravenclaw. This might be the last time we talk to each other."

"There's nothing wrong in talking to each other. Maybe this will help us in the future" Said Cheryll shrugging. And boy, was she right.

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