Chapter 6

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Cheryll and Scorpius walked up to Albus. They were unsure about what they were going to do. They went to him and stood, silent. Albus ignored them for a while but then he got irritated and said, "I know I am handsome but it's wrong to ogle."

"We have to tell you something." Said Scorpius.

"She is talking to me?"

"Considering the circumstances, our fights have to wait." Said Cheryll.

"Seems like something serious." He said acting to be worried.

" Quit the sarcasm, Al." Cheryll almost shouted and then started sobbing.

"What just happened? Did I just see what I thought I saw? Wait, Is Chery really crying? What are you not telling me?" He was confused and surprised.

"You are in danger, Al." Cheryll said between sobs. Scorpius just spoke the whole story without waiting in between. When he was finished, the only voice that could be heard was the sobs of Cheryll. Albus burst out laughing.

"That's what you do for revenge, make up stories about me being in mortal danger. And Scorpius, you too. Oh shut up."

Cheryll was in rage. "I cry after 6 years and you think that I am making all this up? You've got a lot of faith in me, haven't you Albus? You have no idea how difficult it was for me to tell you and Scorpius, to read that letter on my own and read that one of my best friends is in mortal danger. You think I would have wasted my time thinking about how to get revenge from a bratty, self- centered person like you?"

"Hey, hey, hey. I am sorry but it is not normal for me to hear that some Walpurgisa wants to kill me. The closest I have been to death is when I cut my finger a knife. What did you expect me to do, scream?"

"That would have been more respectful." she mumbled.

" Sorry. I believe you and I promise that I will stay out of trouble."

"Al, a dangerous witch is after you. The daughter of the worst wizards of all times. How can you be so chill about it?" Scorpius asked.

" Well, you have no idea how frightened I am but I know that I have got friends who care about me and will keep me out of danger." He smiled. "And Chery, I am so sorry for talking rudely to Dibsonn."

"Well I am not going to say sorry for calling you a bratty, self-centred person because you may be my best friend but you are still a jerk." Said Cheryll. They completed their homework and went to their dorms. None of them slept well, they were all thinking about what was lying in the future for them.

The next day all three of them met in the common room and headed for their lessons. None of them spoke anything at all. All their lessons just went by and none of them paid any attention. Their last lesson was herbology, the only lesson Cheryll liked. She knew that Professor Longbottom was a good friend of Harry Potter and decided to talk to him about Voldemort. She was sure that Professor Mcgonagall had told the teachers. After their class she went up to him and asked, "Professor Longbottom, can I ask you something?"

"Sure go on." He said.

"It's not related to studies. It's related to um... Harry Potter."

"So it's related to Walpurgisa?"

"Yes. Why is she after Albus? I mean there are other Potters too."

"Yes but it is evident that Albus is the one who is most like his father. Not a Gryffindor but perhaps this is the only trait that doesn't match with him. Even I could make that out in just a short amount of time and so have the other teachers. She wants revenge for her father and maybe mother too. I hated her mother. She was the reason I never knew my parents."

"I am sorry."

"Oh that's fine. You get used to it. So you wanted to know about Harry. Very brave, also very good at Quidditch but the people he cared about most were Ron and Hermoine. The three of them were perhaps the closest friends Hogwarts has ever seen. Well, after James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew. James Potter as you might be knowing is Harry's father. Sirius Black was his godfather. It was thought that he was a mass murderer and the reason why Harry Potter didn't have parents, very unfortunate. Spent 12 years in Azkaban for the crimes his friend, Peter had committed. He broke out of Azkaban and told Harry the truth. Died 3 years after that. Lupin was our professor for a year. Great man, Harry is the godfather of his son. He died in the Battle of Hogwarts."

"So none of them is alive and the reason for their death was more or less Voldemort."

"Well, yes. But you don't need to worry about Albus. Besides his teacher, I am also his godfather and I will ensure his safety." he said in a soothing voice.

"Can you tell me about Draco Malfoy?" Cheryll asked out of curiosity.

"Well he wasn't the person who could be called good. Many say he made the wrong choices, I believe he never had any. Bullied me and Hermoine a lot. It was pretty evident to me that he liked her but couldn't tell that to her because of his family. He was asked to murder Dumbledore. Poor guy. Couldn't do it. He and his family switched sides in the Battle of Hogwarts and well he is kind of the reason that Harry Potter is alive. Honestly, I was surprised to see a Malfoy and a Potter together but he turned out better than his father, didn't he?"

"Yeah, well thank you so much professor. I may come again with other questions but for now I think that's it."

"My doors are always open but if I am not available, you can go to Professor Hagrid. He knew Harry and the lot very well."

"I will."

She said this and went to the great hall to meet the other two.

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