Chapter 7

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Cheryll told the two of them about what Professor Longbottom told her but Albus didn't think that it was of much use.

"How does knowing how my grandfather and his friends died of any use. They still died." asked Albus.

"Al, there is nothing wrong in getting information." said Scorpius with a shrug.

"Scorpius, this is not coming in a test. You don't need to research it."

"I was not going to research it. It's not that I study everything."

"Says the guy who finished 'Hogwarts a History' in like one week." Said Cheryll.

"It was interesting." Said Scorpius defensively.

"Well, as this is not of much use, I have decided to visit Hagrid today." said Albus

"But now that I think of it I don't see any motive in knowing about the past. The people were different and this isn't Voldemort we are talking about, it's his daughter. Maybe she has different powers." said Cheryll.

"But most probably she is after me for revenge. Wouldn't she want to be like her father?" Asked Albus.

''We should just gather all the knowledge about it that we can get. Of course we can't ask our parents because your parents won't be willing to tell you so that you don't get into trouble, I definitely can't ask my dad because those were the worst times of his life and he is going through a lot because of my mom and asking him would worsen it and your mom won't be knowing anything. Hagrid and Professor Longbottom are our only hope." Said Scorpius.

"Who says my mom didn't know anything. Maybe she wasn't a part of everything but she was a Ravenclaw and she is very observant. I am sure she knew most of the things that had happened around here during that time. We can ask her." Said Cheryll.

"Sure, you send her an owl right away. And are you sure that you haven't forgotten to tell us anything. Every piece of information is important." Said Scorpius.

"Positive." Answered Cheryll. But she had lied. She didn't tell him the piece of information that startled her the most. Which anyone else would not have listened or paid any heed to in Professor Longbottom's long speech. That information was not very important but was still the most surprising. That Draco Malfoy liked Hermoine Granger.

After completing all their homework and sending a letter to Cheryll's mom, Scorpius was doing some 'light' reading and Albus and Cheryll were playing chess in the common room. Again, Zachary came and sat beside Cheryll but she was so serious about the game that she didn't even realize he was there.

"Cheryll." Said Zachary

"Whoa- you startled me.'' She was breathing heavily.

"Sorry. I just wanted to tell you that your first official Quidditch practice is tomorrow at 6 pm. I'll introduce you to all the team members tomorrow."

"Sure. Thanks. I'll be there." She was blushing hard. Again. He said bye and left. Just then Ivy Nott came and sat beside her. She acted like they were best friends and said, "He is totally into you. I mean just look at the way he looks at you. And don't even try to tell me that I am wrong because everyone knows that I am never wrong" She finished

"And you are?" Asked Cheryll casually.

"Ivy Nott. 2nd year. Daughter of Pansy and Theodore Nott."

"And you are talking to me because?"

"Who do you think you are? Me talking to you is the best that has happened to you. You are hanging around with a bunch of misfits. But looks like you are also one of them." she looked at Albus and Scorpius and snarled.

"Well I like being a misfit.'' She said calmly.

"Whatever." she scoffed and left.

"Where did that come from?" Asked Albus, amused.

"I wasn't in the mood of people like her. And well she deserved it."

"Yeah she did but why was she talking to you in the beginning? I mean I don't want to say that you are not good enough for people like her. You are like wayyy good but she is still a senior.'' Said Scorpius.

"You might have not noticed but I am kind of pretty and good at Quidditch. That's what is considered to be cool but I don't want any label like that. I am better as a misfit."

''Well, I have noticed that you are kind of popular. What if some day you wake up and realize that you are not good enough for us?" Asked Albus.

"Awww... Albus is insecure about his best friend." Teased Scorpius.

"Shut up." Albus said

"Well, trust me. I may be good at Quidditch and I may be popular but deep down I just Cheryll Chang and umm... my childhood was nothing like this. Whatever happens you two are not going to get rid of me that easily."

"What do you mean that your childhood was nothing like this?'' Asked Albus.

"Well my father is a muggle and he knows about me being a witch and all. Me and Ced were raised up between muggles but we knew what we really were. Of course we made things happen like any other young witch or wizard but they thought that we were abnormal. Ced was good at coping with all this but I was not good at it. I used to be sad at all times and my only friend was Ced. I was also very close to mum but I wanted friends of my age. The day I got the letter was the best day of my life, I knew that there would be people like me, who wouldn't find me abnormal. I have no idea that people would find me beautiful or that I would become popular. But even after all this I know who I really am and what is right and wrong for me, and I know it damn well that we are going to be stuck with each other for a long long time." Finished Cheryll with a small smile and the two of them did something very unusual, they hugged her. She laughed and hugged them back.

"There is no need to get sentimental, you two. I don't want to cry again." She said. But both of them knew very well that she loved it.

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