Chapter 16

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Days passed, then weeks and then months but neither did they get any letter, nor did they sense anything weird. Before they knew it, they were packing their bags for easter holidays.

"So, nothing happened'' said Albus.

"Yeah. You should be happy." said Cheryll. Scorpius was busy thinking if it would be his last summer with his mother and was too preoccupied to think.

"Hey, it's gonna be fine." Cheryll said softly.

"I don't know. What if it isn't fine. I know you are thinking that I will be having dad but it's just I am closer to mum. Me and dad don't share the same relation." he continued "But let's forget about it. Come on, let's go meet Professor Longbottom and Hagrid." he said trying to lift the mood.

They visited Hagrid who gave them a homemade cake (They didn't eat it.) He told Albus that he might come to meet him during the vacations. Then they went to meet Professor Longbottom who told Cheryll that she had scored very good marks in her herbology exam. He too told Albus that he would come to meet him. Then they went to the great hall for lunch and decided that they would meet at Albus' house during the vacations. During lunch Scorpius was going on and on about how they didn't have summer holidays earlier but after the Battle of Hogwarts they decided that they should have summer holidays too so that children could meet their families more often. He knew no one was listening to him but that didn't stop him from speaking.

They reached platform nine and three quarters. All of them were overwhelmed to see their parents. Even Scorpius' mom had come. She looked very weak and thin but her face glowed with happiness. All of the parents met and talked to each other. Even Harry and Draco had a short conversation and Ron and Draco shared a curt nod. Hermoine ignored him but Cheryll couldn't help but notice that he had seen her from the corner of his eyed a number of times. She wasn't sure if it was real or just her imagination. Her muggle dad looked as if he did not understand anything but was still trying to make a conversation. Hermoine tried to include him in the conversation. After some time Lily started complaining that she was hungry and they went home after making plans about meeting.

Cheryll found it weird to be in a car. After all, she was used to broomsticks. Cedric was singing at the top of his voice and his voice was very bad. She hated when he sang and he knew it but after all she was going home. She didn't have to care about Walpurgisa or Voldemort.

Meanwhile, Albus was rubbing dirt from his clothes. His family had used flu powder to get home. He was happy to be home. He had passed almost a year without dying. He felt safe but a weird voice in his head was warning him that the next year won't be the same.

Scorpius had reached home and went straight to his room. He didn't fancy talking to his father and his mother was not in the state to talk. He was very grateful that she had come to pick him up but he also knew that it wasn't because she was feeling but only because it might be her last time. He heard a soft knock on his door and his grandmother entered. He loved her a lot. She was sweet, patient and unlike her husband she didn't force him to be friends with pure bloods only.

"How was school?" she asked softly.

"Good. I made two best friends. Both of them are half bloods. " he replied.

"Scorpius, you know I don't care about your friends' blood status. What all did you learn? Which subject is your favourite?"

He told her all about his school. She listened attentively. He told her about Albus and Cheryll and how they supported him a lot. He told her how Albus was bullied by Gryffindors but the fellow Slytherins stuck up for him and how Cheryll had made the quidditch team. He left the part about Walpurgisa because he was sure she knew about it and he was not ready to talk about it. So far Albus was safe and he was very relieved about it.

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