chapter 1: First day of U.A

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I got up it was 5:30 today was going to be my first day in U.A. my parents being number 5 and 6 on the hero list I got thrue recommendation. I got up to take a shower I took off my pjs and noticed I had gained a couple of pounds it was obvious it was my first day and everyone was going to notice that I'm a fatty I weight myself and was unsatisfied 3 pounds heavier than last week. When I was 8 I began to wrap my stomach with clinic wrap so my tummy wouldn't show now that I looked back I wasn't that heavy when I was 11 developed an eating disorder. I would go into my bathroom after eating pretend to take a shower and throw it all up there I would start saying I'm not hungry when dinner came around then breakfast for a very long time I was just eating lunch then throwing it up my mom noticed how I wasn't eating and forced feed me food I still was throwing it up I would sometimes "eat" really quickly but in reality I would stuff it all in my mouth a spit it out once I was "done" let me tell you I've tried to stop stop hurting myself caring about my body but I cant once i start eating normal i hear stuff like oh you gained some weight oh you're getting fat oh watch what you're eating then i get stuck again it's a cycle the more I throw up the better I feel the better I feel the more confident I get. Of course theres down falls I stopped being able to sleep I was always tired my breath stink my mood changed my motivation went down I developed depression and severe anxiety but all I cared about was my weight. Once I saw the pounds I gained I did my routine of throwing up in the shower it was 5 am so no one was awake I would leave early so I would be able to skip breakfast and then lie if they asked me if I ate anyway after I was done with my...mess I did my hair got my uniform I tried a knot on the polo shirt and raised the skirt so it would be shorter I would definitely get attention cause of might ask yourself why the fuck if you hate yourself are you going to show your body well I honestly dont fucking know I've always craved male attention so I would always sexualize myself I wanted people to look at me wanted people to drool over me i want to be THAT girl so i wore crop tops short shorts that showed every single curve I had wich fed into my ED I mean to ware this crop top I need to be skinny to be skinny I need to throw up honestly really unhealthy but...that's how my mind works. Anyways let's stop talking about my mental disorders and head out shall we I rushed to the nearest train stop and got in I felt everyone's eyes staring at me I liked it I felt...powerful but I would ask myself where they judging me where they thinking I was a whore fuck my life....I got off the train and headed to U.A where dreams came true...BULL SHIT I only joined because my parents are heros I didnt want to be a hero I didnt want to save people I needed someone to save me I'm not safe I need a hero maybe I would find one here I looked for my class 1 a I saw the door it was fucking HUGE the fuck i entered and there most people where here already I scanned thrue the room oof could feel the trauma that this kids had haha I'm a kid too lol I'm fucking 15 what am I saying anyway let me try and guess let's see um oh rejected candy cane judging by the scar the way hes keeping away from everyone he has definitely gone through abuse he looks like omg that's endeavors son yeah no his dad's a dick he has definitely gone through abuse ok oh that green haired kid he looks like he has been severely bullied he looks scared of someone let me try and find him um ooo that blond that looks like he has a stick up his but yeah yeah hes the bully alright but...looks like he has gone through abuse prob feels worthless wants to be number one and gets mad when stuff doesnt go his way his eyes scream trauma oh god the slug incident that's him he was the one attacked oh my god I want to go up to him hug him but hes the type that likes to hide his feelings by scaring people off unless you're close to him he wont tell you shit I kinda my thoughts got interrupted

Bakugo: what are you looking at dumbass

Oh shit he talks yep my prediction was right that's how he deals to trauma

Me: your pretty face

I wink he looks flustered like he wasn't expecting it he probably doesnt get to many compliments

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