36. It ain't me

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A/n: The new chapter is up. Hope you all enjoy it. The outfits of Zoey, Lily and Izzie are in the photo. Vote, comment, and share.

Lots of hugs,


"Zoey, my child. Have one more pancake. You have barely eaten anything," Mrs Walker said, putting the 5th pancake on my plate.

I stared at her in shock, while Nate, Lily and their little sister Rose, were laughing at my expense. Rose was the sweetest kid in the whole world. She was just 4 and was probably the only person who could control Nate.

"But, Mrs Walker -"

"Jenny, please. And no buts. You need to eat."

Jennifer was a gorgeous French woman, who was the definition of warmth and love. She and Theo were amazing parents, who welcomed me into their home with open arms. The gang all stayed near each other, and Oli was right. Their houses are as huge and beautiful as mine. We landed yesterday afternoon, and by the time we got settled in, it was late evening. Feeling completely exhausted, I slept in Lily's room, not having the energy to sneak around. There was also the fact that I wanted them to like me and not see me as a floozy.

Today, Nate was taking me someplace, that he was intent on keeping as a surprise. I walked up to where Jenny was and sat beside her. She was a lawyer for a huge corporate firm, while Theo was an architect.

"Hey, Jenny." She kept the newspaper down and smiled at me. She took a sip of her coffee after offering me some.

"Hi, sweetie. How are you liking San Francisco so far?"

"It's different. I like it here," I smile and drink the coffee.

"So, Nate tells me you wanna be a writer?"

"I plan to be an editor, simultaneously working on my writing too," I give her a half-smile.

"That's amazing," she looked like she was lost in thought before she looked at me and gave me a smile that reminded me on Nate's. "Nathan has been through a lot. I'm sure he must have told you about it but know this. He's been happier since he met you. It's like he's a completely different person, and brought that out in him. So, thank you, Zoey, for bringing my son back home. And thank you for loving him."

I got teary-eyed, listening to her. "He saved me too. I had forgotten how to live, love and laugh. He helped me find my way back, and for that, I am grateful to him and you. So it is I who should be thanking you. For raising him to be the man I love."

"Mommy." Our moment was interrupted by a tiny brunette who was skipping to us. She stopped and stared at me with her huge doe eyes. "You are so pretty."

"Thank you, Rose. I think you are really pretty too." I laugh, wiping away my tears and crouch to her level.

"Sweetie, did you want something?" Jenny asked her, laughing.

"Uh-huh," she bobbed her tiny head up and down. "Natey said you have to dress in warm clothes." She smiled proudly at how perfect the sentence came out.

"Oh ya, and what else did Natey say?" I ask her, trying to pry information about the date's whereabouts.

"Umm...," she thought for a while before a bright smile took over. "He said not to tell you anything else."

"That brother of yours," Jenny shook her head, while I went to get ready.

Lily was sitting on the bed, face-timing Chace.

"Hey, Chasey poo," I shout, my head shoved inside my suitcase. Warm clothes, what great help.

"Hey, Zo-bear."

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