3. The night we met

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A/n: The above images are what Zo and Izz wear to the party. Hope you all enjoy the chapter.

Lots of hugs,



Instinctively, my head snapped to the speaker. Oh my... In front of me stood the most gorgeous man I had ever seen. He looked like he could easily pass off as a model for Calvin Klein. Like he was carved by Michelangelo himself. Hottie McHottie's body was so perfectly sculpted, his black tee hugged his perfect muscles. His face was so perfectly chiselled that it would put even Brad Pitt to shame.

"Are you okay?"

My very obvious and embarrassing drooling session was interrupted by Hottie McHottie himself, who was now looking at me with a small frown on his handsome face. Blood rushed to my face as a blush crept up my cheeks and took his extended hand and got up nervously.

"Sorry, just clumsy," I mumbled, not able to take my eyes off McHottie. Is he even real? How is he real?

Bless his genetics.

"Don't be. After all, it's not every day that a pretty girl falls for me," he winked. Damn, he's smoother than a baby's bottom, and he knows it. This isn't helping with the whole blushing thing.

"Sorry 'bout that, and thanks for..." I trailed off nervously, not wanting to continue making a fool of myself.

"Zoe, where have you been? I've been looking all over for you. I just scored an invite to the freshers' party tonight. Oh hey, who's your friend?" Izzie rambled in a go. Thank god my best friend has the best timing in the world.

"Breathe, Izzie. Breathe." I gripped her shoulder and tried to calm her.

McHottie chuckled at the scene and watched us with an amused smile.

"Zoe, I'll be seeing you." He said and gave me a once-over and walked on the opposite side with a smug grin plastered across his face.

"Okay! Who in the name of sexy Hemsworth was that??" Izzie shrieked, bouncing up and down. Still shocked by what just happened right now. I wouldn't blame her.

I snickered at her reaction, looping our arms together as we walked towards our room while telling her all about the chance encounter.

"Dayum. McHottie was totally checking you out. I ship it!! Oh my, why am I so hyper today. Maybe I shouldn't have had the whole box of powdered donuts. Damn you, sugar rush." Izzie ranted while trying to fix her bed.

"Hold your horses, Izz. He was probably just thinking about what a clumsy idiot I am." I replied, taking her pillow and covers from her and arranging it properly again.

"Ouch. What the - Did you just flick me?" I stared at her with my eyes wide, rubbing the sore spot on my head.

"I did, and will gladly do it again if you don't stop being so stubborn. He was checking you out. He's got the hots for you. I wonder if he has a hot name, and a hot brother. For me, obviously." She stated, changing the topic.

"Alright, stop fantasizing and go get dressed. I need alcohol in my system." I rolled my eyes, pushing her to her closet.

"Gee, who knew you liked it rough. Alright, I'll go, don't spank me." She pouted and ran. This girl is going to be the death of me.

I put on my playlist and connected it to my speakers and started getting dressed. I decided on a red lace bodysuit and a black leather skirt. I curled my ridiculously wavy hair and applied some mascara and red lipstick. I glanced at the mirror and let out a satisfied sigh as I saw my doe eyes reflection stare back. My cheekbones popped out and my lips looked fuller. I put on my heels, and sat on the bed, waiting for Izzie. In the meantime, I decided to check up on my parents and Jay.


"Hi mommy," God only knows how much I've missed this woman. I hated being away from her.

"Oh, baby. How are you? Jay texted me after he dropped you off. Took you long enough to call," she said, scolding me.

"Sorry mommy," I tried in my best baby voice, hoping to placate her a little.

"I'll drop it for now, but I need weekly calls, alright? Or I'll go all mom-zilla on you," she said in a tired voice.

"Done! How's everyone? How's dad, and how's the rugrat?" I asked with a little snicker, referring to my crazy 16-year-old brother.

"Urg. Don't even get me started on both of them. Your dad basically sulked for the last two days. But now, Carter put it in his mind that they have an edge over me, without you here. If that man is smart enough, he will stop taking advice from a child. God only knows why I married him." She grumbled.

Okay, that was obviously a lie. My parents met when they were working in the hospital together. It was love at first sight, and both fell head over heels for each other, against all odds.

Growing up, listening to their stories was one of my favourite things in the whole world to do. Like dad once said, mom was the only one for him. There was never a question of anyone else.

A sudden crash halted our conversation.

"Damn it, Link! What did you both do now? Zoe, baby, I have to go deal with that boy and his father. Remember, weekly calls, and take your medication on time. Love you, baby," she said in a frustrated tone and ended the call.

Just as I got off the phone after talking to mom, my best friend stood in front of me looking absolutely breathtaking. She rocked an LBD with an oversized hoodie, put up her hair in a high ponytail, and paired the outfit with a choker and boots.

"Someone's getting laid tonight" I whistled at her and gave her an overdramatic wink.

"Right back at ya, babe." God only knows how badly I needed that.

We took our stuff and walked out to what was the start of the rest of our lives.

Bet my Life (EDITING!!) #BOOK1Where stories live. Discover now