25. Memories

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A/n: New update!!! This chapter is really sad. I apologize for all the feels that are about to hit you. Hope you all enjoy it. Vote, comment, and share.

Lots of hugs,


After a lot of pleading and bargaining, Oli and Izzie agreed to take me there, on the condition that I use the wheelchair. Great. Neither one of them had any intention of leaving me anywhere alone.

Once we were outside room 243, I stopped them.

"I need to do this alone," I spoke, keeping my eyes fixed at the closed door in front of me.

They didn't say anything, but they didn't stop me either. I nervously knocked on the door.

"Come in." A muffled voice called from inside.

Oli kept the door open so that I could wheel myself inside. I kept my eyes shut, not having the guts to face him.

"Cara mia"

My eyes snapped open when I heard that word. My eyes landed on the face of the guy who risked his life twice to save me. The face of my first love, the one that got away. The face of the guy I hadn't seen for the past 3 years.

He looked much different than he did since the last time I saw him. His brown hair longer, and his features sharper. His brown eyes, that always glinted with mischief, were now hollow. He looked nothing like the Tyler I knew. After the accident, my family had stopped me from meeting him, our last meeting etched in my mind.

"How is he?"

They all looked around, nobody meeting my eye. I could see Jay's fist balled up, barely controlling his anger, and Izzie looked like she was ready to kill. My parents were talking to the detectives, giving them the final statement.

"Jay, please. I just need to know how he is. He saved me."

"HE WAS ALSO THE ONE WHO PUT YOU IN DANGER!" Jay's loud voice boomed in the hospital room, gaining the attention of everyone.

I shrunk back, feeling scared. Letting the tears fall from my eyes, I tried to escape the looks everyone was giving us.

"Cara mia," a voice broke our trance.

"Ty?" His appearance broke my heart. He was in a wheelchair, a bandage tied on his head, and a cast on his leg.

I sobbed looking at his state. I couldn't bear to see him like this. Dad was holding Jay back, stopping him from confronting Tyler.

"Zoe-Belle. Don't cry over me, love. Don't." The nurse wheeled him next to my bed, and he held my hand.

"Are you -"

"Shh, let me talk. Okay? Just listen, please Belle," his eyes begged me, as he squeezed my hand.

I silently nodded, not attempt to wipe the tears staining my face.

"Good girl. I will be okay, my love. Don't worry about that. What I need to tell you is incredibly important. Please keep an open mind. I loved you, a lot, and I still do, but it just wasn't enough. Everything that happened today, was entirely my fault. No, don't disagree with me, please. I know it. Had I not introduced you to him or any of them, you wouldn't be here today. I was a horrible boyfriend. I was a dick, and you deserve better than this. You deserve someone who cherishes you and treats you the way you need to be treated.

Even though I am a selfish asshole, I know that you deserve better than me. I can't even begin to apologize for my actions. I hope that someday, you forgive me. Just promise me something, you won't ever settle for less. I just hope I haven't ruined you and your expectations. When the right guy comes, I just hope you let him love you the way you should be loved.

Bet my Life (EDITING!!) #BOOK1Where stories live. Discover now