13. Be my baby

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"Are we there yet?" I pouted, tapping him on the cheek. He swatted my hand and glared at me playfully.

"No, it's gonna take half an hour. Just like I told you 2 minutes ago." He rolled his eyes, with a smirk playing on his lips.

I huffed and turned to face the window. We were currently in his 1967 Chevy Impala. The only reason I know it is because Dean Winchester drives the same car. We have been driving for what seems like an hour, but Nate insists that it was only 20 minutes. Ya, I don't believe him.

Feeling bored, I turned towards him. Biting my lip, and stifling a laugh, I raised my hand again to poke him on his flawless face.

"Are we -"

He grabbed my hand, linked our fingers together, and kept it on his lap.

"So impatient," he tutted.

Screw impatient. I was now freaking out. He was holding my hand so casually. It felt amazing like it was a perfect fit. I was staring at his face when his voice broke my chain of thoughts.

"We are here," he said with a teasing smile.

Oh my, he didn't.

"Is that..." I asked, unable to contain my excitement.

"An amusement park? Yes," he replied, matching my excitement level.

I opened my door and held out his hand, that I graciously accepted.

"My lady"

I could help the squeal that escaped my mouth.

"This is amazing" I shouted, jumping up and down.

"Alright, calm down, you little monster," he looked at me with an amused smile. "I've already bought the tickets, so let's go."

He took my hand and we entered the best place in the world, next to Disneyland.


"Favorite color?"



"One, a corgi named Luna. You?" Nate asked, eating his hotdog.

I nodded and shoved a few fries in my mouth. We had spent more than an hour on rides and decided to eat when my stomach grumbled embarrassingly. Meanwhile, we decided to play 20 questions.

"A retriever. Bailey. We adopted him 4 years ago." I grinned, thinking about my baby. God, I missed Bailey.

"Siblings?" He asked.

"Two brothers. I'm the middle child."

"I have 2 younger sisters. Lily, and our half-sister Rose."

"How old is she?"

"She's 4, super cute, but a pain in the butt," he chuckled.

I could picture it. Nate holding his baby sister, and listening to her while she bosses her around. That thought brought a smile to my face.

We decided to hit the booths next, where Nate was trying to win me a stuffed toy.

"I want that bear. He's so cute." I pointed at the cutest teddy bear.

He bit his lower lip, and concentrated, squinting his eyes slightly, and put the ring through the bottle. That was 3 in a row.

"Here you go." The shopkeeper gave me the huge bear with a laugh.

Bet my Life (EDITING!!) #BOOK1Where stories live. Discover now