4. Moves like Jagger

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A/n: Here's a long chapter. Hope you all enjoy this. Vote, comment, and share.

Lots of hugs,


We saw a huge 2 story house that screamed money. I really don't understand why someone would want to spend so much when they could easily stay in the dorms. Then again, who am I to judge?

The whole place smelled exactly how I thought it would. The strong scent of alcohol and smoke burned our nostrils as soon as we walked in. It was barely 8, and people were already lying drunk in the yard.

When we stepped in, we saw couples making out in corners; the lights were dimmed and people were "dancing" in the middle of the dance floor in a group. While everyone was tiring themselves out already, I desperately needed to find a drink.

"Who's party is this?" I asked Izz, who was pulling me through a hoard of drunk people.

"Some guy named Zach. Saw him in our corridor. Vodka or beer?"

I paused for a second before shrugging and choosing vodka. Tomorrow was a Saturday, and classes didn't start till Monday. She passed me 2 glasses and took 2 for herself.

"Bottoms up."

I felt the familiar taste of liquor burning through my throat as I swallowed the liquid in one go, drinking both glasses as easy as breathing. Woah, calm down, Zo.

"Hey, you came." An unfamiliar guy, that I am assuming was Zach, made his way towards us. He had soft-looking brown hair, a really handsome face, and a hot body. He had an athletic body and chiselled jaw, which had a slight stubble. His piercing green eyes were focused entirely on Izz, and his full lips were pulled in a smirk. Wow, is everyone in this college breathtakingly hot?

I looked at Izz to find her smirking back and playing with her curl. I know that look. Someone is getting laid tonight.

"Hi. This is my best friend, Zo. Zo, this is Zach." Izz says and points at me.

"Hey, nice party," I said with a small smile, not wanting to be a third wheel.

"Thanks. It's nice to meet you, Zo. I have to say, you ladies look amazing." He replied, not taking his eyes off Izz.

"Well, I'm going to go dance or something. Text me when it's time to leave. Also, use protection." I shouted and gave them a cheeky wink. Izz was glaring at me while Zach was blushing shyly and looking at her.

How cute is that?

I stumbled slightly, feeling the effects of the alcohol hit me. Taking advantage of the fact that I wasn't shy anymore, I moved to the dance floor and joined the hoard of drunk people and swayed my body to the music. I was completely in the zone, enjoying every minute of this, when I accidentally collided with someone and stumbled back.

Maybe it was the fact that I was tipsy or the fact that I was clumsy af and in heels, but I couldn't regain my balance and readied myself for a crash landing. Just as I closed my eyes and waited for the hit, a pair of arms snaked around me and pulled me close to a rock hard chest. I looked up to find the most gorgeous blue eyes staring back at me.

"We've really got to stop meeting like this. Twice in one day, got to be some kind of record, huh?"

McHottie was looking at me with a gorgeous smirk on his face. Oh my. His brown, almost black, hair was so perfect that I wanted to do nothing more than run my hands through them. His lips were practically begging for me to kiss them. I leaned in closer, wanting to just take it all in.

Boy, he also smelled amazing. His hands were pulling me closer to his body, as if there was any space left. His piercing eyes were boring into my soul, like he was trying to figure me out. My breathing turned shallow as I saw his gaze shift to my lips. I shut my eyes and almost moaned at the feeling.

"Aah, I see you've already met my best mate/roommate." A voice broke us up, and I jumped back a few paces. I followed the source of the voice and found Zach and Isabella, with a smirk plastered on both their faces. Izz walked to my side, looped her arms through mine, and looked at McHottie with a knowing smile.

"Introduce us. Some of us are dying to know McHottie's name."

"Ignore her. Isabella here slept through the manners class." I punched Izz on her arm as she laughed. I was trying to calm the blush on my face, which was making my emotions really evident. I couldn't believe it.

A minute ago, I was ready to rip off his clothes, and I barely even knew him. Or anything about him. Not even his name. What the hell was wrong with me? This was so unlike my usual self. I peeked a look at him, only to see him staring at me with an amused smile.

Clearing his throat, I got out of our stare-off. There was something about his eyes. They could hold anyone captive.

"Nate, meet Zoe and Isabella. Girls, this is my man, Nate." Zach introduced us with a teasing smile.

"So, Zach and I are gonna "get to know" each other better, and I suggest you both do the same." Izz pushed me onto Nate and dragged Zach, who could barely control his laughter with her.

"Oh, and kids, use protection" Izz gave me a suggestive look. Guess I deserved that one.

"So.." Nate trailed off nervously. It was so cute to watch. I swear my heart melted.

"So...sorry about Izzie. She isn't ready to be let into the wild yet." I chuckled, feeling the effects of alcohol hit me with another wave again. He gave me a breathtaking laugh. I wonder how many hearts this laugh has managed to hold captive.

"Zo, huh? Got to say, I like McHottie better than Nate." He replied cheekily, and held his hand out.

I stared at his hand for a while before deciding to take it. Drunk Zo just doesn't care. He took towards the balcony, away from the noise and away from the chaos.

"Sorry, too many people inside. Thought some fresh air was needed." He let go of my hand and stood facing the awakening stars outside.

"It's Zoey" I blurt out. "Zoey Hart. My name. But ya, friends, call me Zo. But the drunk me prefers to be called Patricia. She has watched split 10 times," I whisper, swinging my hands.

He gave me another amused look and tucked in a strand of hair behind my ears.

"Zoey", He said, testing the way it sounded, and let me tell you, hearing my name coming out of his mouth was the best damn thing I'd ever heard in my life. "Well, sweetheart, I am Nate. Nathan Walker."

I blushed at how smooth he was. Woah.

"You know, after our first encounter, I could have sworn that you were a shy girl. But boy, seeing you here today, drowning those shots, was I in for a surprise." He smirked and glanced at me sideways.

"You can blame it on Patricia," I said as a matter of fact.

He chuckled and shook his head. "You really are something else, aren't you, sweetheart? For the record, I like Zoey more than I like Patricia."

"So what are you majoring in? I am majoring in English Lit" I said, feeling curious about this strange, hot boy.

"Business. At least that's the plan. I take it you want to be a writer?" He looked genuinely curious. I leaned my head on his shoulder. Something sober me wouldn't have dared to do.

"Ya, that's the plan." I nodded. I don't know how long we just spent in each other's company, but something about him felt safe, like home.

We were sitting on the floor of the balcony and talking about our childhood, and just laughing our buts off when I received a message from Izz -

'Hey Zo, I'm at the entrance. I'm ready to leave.'

"That's my cue. I should go." I was shocked at how upset I sounded.

"I'll walk you out." He replied with a dimpled smile, to which I nodded dumbfounded.

The scariest part of the evening was how easily he made me forget about everything about my past. Tonight, I felt like someone I thought was long gone. I felt like the old me again.

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