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A/n: Here we go, my very first chapter. Who do you all feel suits the character of Zoey? Do answer in the comments. Thanks to @Mystic_Whisperer for being such an awesome editor!! Lots of love to you.
Hope you all enjoy it. Read, vote and comment,
Lots of hugs,

"Miss, are you alright?"

"Should we do something?"

I was vaguely aware of the people talking around me, but I couldn't acknowledge any of them. I was frozen. I could barely raise my head but that was all I could do because the suffocation was killing me.

Now you all must be really confused. Well, let me start from the beginning.

I am Zoey Hart, currently panicking, but a mostly chill 19-year-old. Now, the reason I am acting like a basket case right now is that I am currently miles away from home, on my way to university in Chicago. My stupid ass thought that it would be easier if I didn't cry while saying goodbye to my parents and brother. I had practically snatched my stuff from my dad's hands and ran without a second glance. I knew that they could easily make me change my mind, but I needed to get away quickly.

Pushing my emotions down, I boarded my flight, saying goodbye to my home - Los Angeles, and everything I knew.

And right now I am outside the Chicago airport, sitting on the ground, with my hoodie over my head, as I try to breathe through a panic attack. I can feel my fingers clam up while I try to wrack my brain to remember where I kept my pills.

Wow, this must be a really embarrassing view.

"Alright, I got you. I got you"

I felt those familiar arms lift me, and carry me away from the airport. The soothing voice finally calmed me down, and I peaked from my tear-soaked lashes, to see Jay.

"Thank you" I winced at my croaky voice.

"Anything for you, dork", he said, with a sad smile. Jay is the oldest of the three Hart siblings. He is older than me by 4 years and is currently running dad's Chicago office. My youngest brother, Carter, 16 and still in high school. Jay and Carter look a lot like dad.

Gifted with dad's blonde hair, and mom's blue eyes, these guys really won the lottery with the genetics. I, on the other hand, have a rather dull shade of brown hair, and dad's hazel eyes. My dad, Linc, has his own company, and my mom, Amy, is a college professor. Despite their busy schedules, our parents have always managed to make time for us.

Breaking my chain of thoughts, Jay handed me a tissue.

"Feel better?" He asks, with a hint of worry.

I managed to give him a weak nod, before being pulled into a bone-crushing hug.

"I am glad, squirt. You gave me quite a fright there."

"Well, I guess it could be a little freaky when your sister resembles a homeless person", I joked, in a sad attempt to make him smile.

"Only you, Zoe, only you," Jay cracks a smile and leads me to his car. "So, you're staying with Izzie, right?"

Isabella Martin, known to the world as Izzie, has been my best friend since forever. Our parents have been close friends since high school, and later became neighbours. They moved to Chicago five years ago, but somehow, our families never lost touch. She is the whole reason I applied to Chicago University. And the fact that my brother is a few hours away, was just an added bonus.

If Izzie knew that Jay was asking about her, she'd be squealing my ears off. Izzie has always had the hots for Jay, which according to her was strictly for the eyes only. Even the fact that Jay was engaged to his long-term girlfriend Layla, didn't seem to faze her.

I nod my head, feeling as if all the energy had been drained out of me. As though on cue, Jay handed me an apple. "Eat, you look like you're gonna pass out any minute."

"Shoot! I forgot to text mom and tell her that I landed"

Alarmed, I started biting my fingernails, thinking about how irresponsible I had been.

"Don't worry, I already spoke to her and informed her that you were with me. I didn't tell her about the attack, though. Thought you'd wanna tell her yourself." His knuckles, which were gripping the steering wheel hard, turned white.

"Hey", I held his hand and spoke in an almost whisper. "I'm alright now. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."

We reached the campus, and he parked his car near the dorm parking space. Which was huge and almost empty.

"I still don't know why you don't just stay with Layla and me? She loves you, and I'll personally feel a lot more relieved", Jay nagged again, carrying my luggage to the room.

I rolled my eyes and recited my practised speech again in a monotone. "Because your house is 2 hours away from campus. I'll be late for all my classes. Izzie is really looking forward to this, and I want to have a complete college experience. Also, I want to let go of the past." I whispered the last sentence.

Jay sighed but kept walking towards my room. "Just promise me that you'll be safe, alright? If anything happens, call me or Layla, and we'll be here within an hour."

After the incident, my entire family had become super protective of me. The only people who knew what happened were my family, a few friends back home, and Izzie. A chill passed through my body, just thinking about it.

I hugged my brother tight, and finally, let some tears flow.

"I'll miss you Jay-Jay"

"I'll miss you too, Zoe-Zoe"

A scream broke apart our emotional moment.

"Zoeyyyyyyyyy!! Oh my god. I can't believe we are finally roomies," a shrill voice screamed from behind.

Taking that as his cue, Jay slipped through the sides and into our room with my luggage.

I was taken into another bone-crushing hug by none other than a blonde hurricane, that goes by the name of Isabella Martin.

Bet my Life (EDITING!!) #BOOK1Where stories live. Discover now