10. Don't give up on me

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The next morning went relatively smoothly. Izzie had left for class before I woke up. She left me a note and made me breakfast. Mmm. Who needs a guy when I have a best friend like this.

Around 10, Oli picked me up to take me to the hospital. After getting stitches again, and an hour-long lecture from mom (courtesy of Isabella), Oli and I went to the cafeteria for lunch.

"So, a little birdie told me that someone has a date on Saturday", he gave me a teasing smile, munching on his burger.

"News really does travel fast, huh?" I threw a fry on his face, that he caught effortlessly.

"He's a good guy. Just...Just be patient with him," he had a pleading, almost desperate, look on his face.

"I will," I promised him, as we picked up our bags and made our way to class.

"Hey, isn't that Nate?" Oli asked, pointed towards the campus bench.

Nate stood near a tree, running his hand through his hair, something that I've noticed him do when he's stressed. He was pacing while talking to someone on the phone, frustration evident in his eyes.

"Yo Nate!" Oli shouted, trying to get his attention.

Nate's eyes flickered towards us, and he turned around with a scowl on his face. Wait, what? I felt my heart drop a little, seeing his sudden change of attitude towards me. I must have looked very upset because just then, Oli held my hand and took me away from the place. He gave me a sad, reassuring smile, that didn't quite reach his eyes. I couldn't stop the tears flowing from my eyes, so I averted my face before he could see me.

"Hey, hey. Look at me. He's going through some stuff. It's not because of you, nor is it directed at you, alright?" He stood in front of me and hugged me. "I told you, remember, be patient with him. He needs it. But I can promise you, he really does like you. And if things don't work out, you know you always have me," he said, flicking my nose.

I burst out laughing, hearing him say that, but I still couldn't stop the gnawing feeling at the pit of my stomach. Almost like my gut is telling me that something is not right. Pushing that thought aside, I joined Oli, as we sprinted to class, to avoid being late.

Our classes went on till late evening, and by the time it got over, I was exhausted. Oli told me that the gang was meeting up at "the Vinyl", and invited me as well.

"I think I'll pass. It's been a long day, so I might just crash early," I gave him a hug, and started walking towards the dorms. Maybe I could do a girls' night with Izz and Lily. I decided to call Izz, but her phone went straight to voicemail. My phone lit up, informing me of a text.

Spending the evening with Zach. Don't wait up. Love you - Izzie

Ooohh, have fun. And use protection. Love you more -Zoe

I chuckled under my breath, and walked back, cracking up the volume on my earphones. Halfway through the walk, I could feel someone's eyes on me. Feeling a wave of nervousness hit me, I muted my music and turned around. I couldn't see anyone, but the feeling of being watched was still there. Hugging my phone close to my body, I walked at a very fast pace. I could hear footsteps behind me, but I didn't turn around.

Almost there. Just a little further.

I dashed into my dorm and didn't stop until I was outside my room. I unlocked it and tried to calm my erratic heartbeat. I leaned against the door and sat on the floor.

"What's wrong?"

I couldn't stop the shriek that let my lips. I turned on the light to find Nate sitting on my bed. I breathed a sigh of relief and shut my eyes. Twice in two days. This must be some kind of a record. He sat down next to me, and put his arm around my shivering frame, and pulled me closer to him.

"What happened?" he asked me softly.

"Nothing. I just thought someone was following me." I replied with a chuckle, wiping away my tears with the back of my hand. Having him so close to me calmed me down in a scary way.

"Are you oka-"

"Wait a minute, how did you get inside?" I asked cutting him, suddenly pulling away from him.

"Ohh, that. Umm, I kinda wanted to apologize. When the guys told me you weren't coming to dinner, Izzie suggested meeting you here. So she gave me a key, and here I am," he mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

"What happened today?" I sat cross-legged, across from him.

He looked like he was contemplating telling me. After what seemed like forever, he spoke.

"Family issues. Not a big deal." His eyes were begging me to let it go.

There was a tiny part of me that wanted to press further, but there was another part, maybe the sensible one, that told me to let it go. He'll talk when he's ready.

We laid down on my bed and stared at each other in complete silence. It was a comfortable silence, that neither one of us had to fill. We were just content in each other's company. His fingers traced my face, and he tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear. I was lost in his eyes. For the first time in forever, I was genuinely happy. For the first time in forever, I could be myself. For the first time in forever, I didn't have to fake my emotions.

I leaned forward and placed a chaste kiss on his lips. He caught my lips with that of his, and his hands moved to my hips. His tongue was against my lips, pressing for access, that I gladly gave. Within minutes, he was on top of me, and our shirts were off.

I broke the kiss, pushed him back, and breathed, "Let's take it slow?"

He got off me and gazed at me. "Hey, there's no rush." He placed a kiss on the corner of my mouth and sat up. "With me, it isn't about sex, okay? When you're ready, I'll be too". My hands instinctively caught his arm.

"Stay?" I asked hopeful, in a small voice.

"I'll be more than happy to," he gave me a boyish grin and pulled me against his chest. I pulled the covers over us and leaned my head against his chest. I could feel his pounding heartbeat, which slowly calmed down, as both of us drifted off to a peaceful sleep. All I want is for this night to never end.


"Ouch! That was my foot."

"Hey! Keep it down. Zo's asleep. Go screw each other elsewhere."

"Someone's whipped! Izzie, stop hitting me. That hurt."

"Fuck off, Zachary. No sex for a month."

Bet my Life (EDITING!!) #BOOK1Where stories live. Discover now