Author's note

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Hey guys,

So there are a few things I would like to clear up. Zoey has anxiety. But I would like to point out one thing in specific. Different people have different triggers. Not everyone with anxiety reacts to the same thing in the same way. That being said, Zoey is not anti-social. Her accident made her a little closed off, and shy. She gets anxious when she's highly emotional, and not when she's with people. So while she is shy around new people, once she is comfortable with them, or if she has alcohol in her system, she becomes more relaxed. Which is why she is completely different when she's with Isabella. The accident didn't damage her. She is not damaged. She is not some damsel in distress, and Nate is not her knight in shining armor.

Hope this clears it up. If you all have any comments, please do let me know. Happy reading.

Lots of hugs,


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