5. Girls Just Want To Have Fun

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A/n: Hey guys, I have imagined Simon Nessman as Zach. Here's my new chapter. Hope you all enjoy it.

Lots of hugs,


"Holy shit!" I exclaimed as I landed on my floor with a thud. Groaning, I got up and rubbed a sore spot on my back, only to find that I was pushed from the bed. Currently, the culprit, aka my best friend, was splayed across my bed, with my blanket thrown all over her.

Grumbling, I got up from the ground and sat on the corner of my bed. I am so gonna get her for waking me up at 4 in the morning. There was no way I was going to fall asleep now, I sighed in frustration.

As if reading my mind, a notification on my phone distracted me from my thoughts. I opened Instagram to find a follow request from Nathan Walker.

All the memories of last night came flooding back in and I began chewing my bottom lip, thinking about how we spent the previous night just talking.

Seeing as how Izz and I were drunk, Zach and Nate decided to drop us back home. They didn't even seem bothered about leaving their own party early to drop off two drunk girls they barely knew.

"I WANT TO BREAAKK FREEEEEE -" Izzie sang on the top of her voice.

"WE WILL, WE WILL ROCK YOU" I joined in, singing in an equally off-tune note.

"Girls, if you don't shut up, I will leave you on the side of the road", stated a very annoyed looking Zach, who was rubbing his temples to relieve his head of some pain which was caused by us.

"Ooh, someone is grumpy." I heard Nate snicker, and Zach gave me a scowl, which made me realize that I must have said that out loud. I gave a shrug and looked at Izz. She caught my eye, and we both grinned evilly, and-


As soon as the car stopped, Izz got down and held her hand out for Zach. He grinned, his previous annoyance all forgotten now, and took her hand. I stood there, not wanting to go to my room just yet.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Nate asked as he looked into my eyes, trying to figure out my story.

"I am thinking," I said, excruciatingly slowly, running my hands on his chest, watching his Adam's Apple bob slowly. "that I.." I trailed as he moved really close to me, our bodies almost touching, and looked at me with lust in his eyes. "Really, really want," he leaned down, our noses were almost touching, "a... PIGGYBACK RIDE" I yelled and ran to his backside, and jumped on him.

He recovered instantly and caught my thighs just in time and I could feel the vibrations of his laugh on his back.

The journey back to my dorm room was spent in comfortable silence. On reaching my room, I saw Izzie crying, and Zach who was confused was trying to comfort her. My mama bear instincts took over, and I jumped from Nate's back and ran towards Izz. I glared at Zach, who seemed very clueless as to what had happened.

"She was okay one minute, and the next second, she started crying. She was calling out for you." He replied frantically, rubbing his hands over his face.

I looked at Izz, who just now seemed to notice my presence. She gave me a hug and started crying again.

"Hey, it's okay baby girl. I'm here now." I rubbed her head and tried to calm her down.

"I thought you had turned into a teddy bear. I was so worried" She looked at me with her blue eyes wide open. And that was enough to ease the tension in the room. Nate and I started laughing loudly, and frankly, Zach just looked relieved that it wasn't his fault and he hadn't just blown his chance with her.

"Don't worry, I didn't turn into a bear yet." I consoled her, barely controlling my laughter.

"You guys should go, it's getting late. I got it from here. Thanks for the ride" I looked back at the guys, who seemed to be having far too much fun here.

"That's cool. See you both tomorrow." Zach replied with a wink and dragged Nate from the room, shutting the door behind them.

I was sorta disappointed that he didn't say anything, but decided against giving it a second thought. After all, we just spent one evening together. Not a big deal.

A knock on the door broke my inner debacle. I opened the door to reveal Nate, standing with his hands in his pockets, with a shy smile on his face.

"I forgot something," he said cheekily, clearly noticing my puzzled expression.

"What is it?" I asked and titled my head.

"This" He gave me a kiss on my cheek and ran towards his car yelling, "dream about me, sweetheart!"

I stood there shocked, trying to figure out what the hell had just happened. My cheek was still tingling from the sudden kiss. The first day of college, and it's already eventful.

I quietly shut the door and turned to find Izzie sleeping on my bed. I changed my clothes and managed to change hers too, after getting slapped by her a hundred times. God, she's so violent.

Feeling tired, I laid down next to her and felt sleep envelop me almost immediately.

Which brings me back to now, where I have been staring at his profile for almost an hour. I had never felt this way about anyone before. Not even with my ex. The sheer intensity of it gave me goosebumps.

I'm taking a chance here, Nate Walker, and it seems awfully easy with you. Who are you and what are you doing to me?

Bet my Life (EDITING!!) #BOOK1Where stories live. Discover now