Chapter 20_Invites a Revelation

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Hello so the last chapter was extremely long? But I did warn you didn't I? No? Okay.

Jade's POV

15th of November, 2044.

The year 2044 had come and gone as quickly as it came, my 12th year old birthday had also come and gone faster than the autumn wind.

I had woken up that early autumn morning, to the sound of strange voices and the steady crunch of heavy boots which I recognized as scruffy as they did not have the squeak of new boots, and old shoes below me, I knew the boots did not belong to anyone I knew, mostly because most of the people I knew were long dead and Leia was not a total fan of boots, she hated to wear one whenever she was indoors, especially not old ones, it was one of the facts I had come to know about her during her stay at Kay's house as my guardian.

She was the only family I had left (aside from Kay) and even that seemed debatable, even after Leia's assurance a few days to my birthday, that she would get Kay back, he had still not turned up, I had saved my birthday wish just to conjure up a way for Kay to escape but a few days later and he had not yet returned, and I was beginning to feel like a fool for believing in wishes in the first place.

I sighed heavily and swung my nearly numb legs over the bed and with a shudder, quickly shoved my feet into my bunny slippers, they used to be a bright pink colour, now it was dull and the bright blush had faded and it was stained with soot, I made my way out of my room, and trotted down the stairs, determined to find out the source of the noise, the squeak of my slippers sounded like grenades to my ear, the worn slippers no longer possessed the ability to trod quietly due to it's worn appearance.

As I neared the bottom of the stairs, I let out a tired yawn, trying to recall the events of last night, all I could recall was sitting by the fire in my socks which was patterned with red apples, reading a book, one that Leia had gotten for me, it was called The time traveller's wife, I could barely pay attention to the story due to the constant shuffling going on around me.

Leia had been scurrying around, bagging a few supplies into an old duffel, her lips pursed in queer determination, her brows drawn together in pure concentration, after a few minutes, I recalled putting the book down and turning to my tensed guardian, asking her where she was going.

She looked up from the bag and gaped at me in shock, she blinked a couple of times before returning to her previous actions.

"I'm heading out for a while, I might head up the city ruins" she replied simply, in a cold monotone.

"Up the city ruins?!" I exclaimed, "but that's dangerous" I panicked instantly, a sense of dèjä Vú hit me.

"That's what got Kay captured" I argued, panick seeping into my voice.

Leia nodded and then walked up to me, sitting on her haunches at my side, taking my little hands into hers, she sighed, her eyes trained on my palms, slowly but surely she raised her head and stared at me, her green eyes awash with pity.

"I know you're worried Jade but I just have to restock the pantry, we're almost out of cheese" she chuckled, referring to our diet of only Mac'n'cheese and other unperishables.

I nodded in understanding, reminding myself to bite down on my tongue to avoid springing up another arguments, ones like how I was getting sick of Mac'n'cheese but I wouldn't let myself say that, even if I tried, it would seem ungrateful, I knew Leia tried her best, she had never taken care of someone other than herself so I tried as much as possible to make it easier for her, which meant keeping my mouth shut on most days.

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