Chapter none other than...

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Yo one more Chapters left, are y'all ready for the chapter before the finale, we're nearing the end of July guys, I wanna end it this month and not the next so keep your fingers crossed for me🤞🤞🤞🤞

13th September, 2021

Broadway Channel, Queens.


Kay shot a ball of fire at few of the soldiers, it made the soldiers retreat to a safer distance, buying the resistance more time but it wasn't enough.

The Luminos with the orbs slunk back a bit waiting for the right time to take their powers but Kay ensured, or tried to, that his team was constantly on the move so as to distract the guards.

Mike helped in that regard but there was only so much they could do, soon the guards began dropping like flies as The Resistance and The Mafia fought their way to the guards with the orbs.

This was almost too easy and Kay thought he had miscalculated somewhere and was constantly looking over his shoulder at his teammates for any sign of an impending attack.

He had no idea how wrong he was, at the moment he looked over his shoulder, The Boss looked over hers, to yell at 1, Marco to bring more guards, 2, Elaine to call her students again.

All her orders were carried out with slowness on Elaine's part which The Boss watched with clear disdain, when Marco left to see to the arrival of the new guards, she stormed over to Elaine and grabbed her roughly by the elbow, it took Elaine approximately three seconds and forty-five nanoseconds to realise her own shock, she looked up with wide, glazed over eyes, her eyes lost but not afraid, distant but not terrified.

The monitor beeped thrice, an incoming message, The Boss glanced back momentarily before she dragged Elaine to the end of the observatory window and flung her to the ground carelessly, her eyes blazing in anger.

"Stay!" She commanded then walked to the monitor and answered the call then walked back, a sickening look in her eyes.

"You little brat!" She spat, the anger in her voice startled Elaine who jumped.

She looked up slowly and found The Boss staring down at her with pure anger and... betrayal?

"You didn't cut off the link when I asked, did you?!" She knew the answer but she wanted to hear it from Elaine.

For the first time since the conversation started Elaine's reaction was immediate, her eyes darkened with anger and she glared at her, her eyes full of deep hatred, hatred so raw The Boss reeled back in shock.

Elaine sneered at her with equally flaming eyes expecting Elaine to shrink back as usual but so unlike the usual Elaine glared back at her.

"I didn't" Elaine spat back, "and I found out why you wanted me to break the link so desperately" Elaine's voice broke at the end.

She stood up despite the pounding in her head, "and it wasn't because the visions you got from me were blurry..." She shook her head, her eyes filling up with tears.

The Boss straightened, her eyes becoming cold and detached.

Tears began streaming down Elaine's eyes, "how could you?"

"That's enough!" The Boss commanded.

Elaine continued, "I could understand in Cooper's case but these are children!"

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