Chapter 30_Inside my head

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20th August, 2049.

Song: In the end by Kodaline*

Marble Hill, The Bronx.


Jade sighed heavily as they made their way to base, the sky was slowly getting brighter as the sun rose from the other side of the city, papers went shuffling around as the wind picked up, Jade shut her heavy eyes, her exhaustion finally catching up with her.

She felt tired, sad, sick and worst of all... defeated, whatever hope she had that she would be able to restore her relationship with her brother was running thin, it broke her to see what they have become but she still cared about him, even if he didn't care about her.

Xavier noticed her silence, he leaned closer and asked, "you okay?"

Jade blinked up at him, then she stared at her feet, "yeah, I guess so"

Xavier smiled, "don't worry 'bout Jayden, Hunter seems trustworthy" he instantly looked away and frowned, Jade didn't notice.

"Yeah I know it's just—" she looked away, "—I thought this time around I could... I don't know...make him see reason" she muttered that last part.

"Well it's still not over yet and plus he's family" Xavier smiled at her, "and family fights, but in the end...they forgive and move on* "

Jade smiled back, suddenly feeling better, "Thanks"

"Your welcome" he said, staring into her eyes, her big brown eyes, wondering, just wondering if—

"We're here!" Lee exclaimed, pointing at their base, he sighed, "home sweet home"

Jade looked around, "where's Kay's truck?" She turned to Lee, "I thought you said they'll be here?"

"Yeah that's what April told me" he checked his phone, "maybe they're still on their way" he shrugged.

The building which they used as base was like an apartment building but not quite, they walked up to the metal door and Lee typed in the code, it opened ad the stepped in, the lobby was empty but it was hard to tell, due to the fact that the only source of light came from the holes in between the cardboard that was used to cover up the windows.

Suddenly a figure stood up from behind the counter and Xavier reached for his gun and so did Lee but luckily Jade recognized who it was.

"Don't!" She said pointing at the man, "it's just Bennett"

Lee instantly relaxed but Xavier didn't, "oh yeah" Lee grinned, "I forgot about him"

Xavier's brows furrowed, "who's he?" He asked.

"Oh he's just the guy that watches the lobby, you know, alerts us when Lumino Soldiers are around or when Zombies try to get in" Jade explained with a light shrug.

"Sorry about that Bennett" Lee apologized.

Bennett just shrugged, his eyes on the magazine in his hands, "not the first time it's happened—" he sighed and looked at them through dusty old glasses, "—certainly won't be the last"

"Anyway—" Xavier released his hold on his gun, "—what were you doing behind the counter?"

Bennett shrugged, "thought it was the Luminos or something, I went down to hit the distress button" he returned to his magazine, signifying that he wasn't in the mood to get chatty, and for Bennett that was always.

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