Chapter 14_An unlikely ally

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From the lands of weirdness I bid you adieu💃✌, hope to see you next chapter for another fun filled adventure🚌🗽🏰, so don't forget to vote...wait no! That's for the ending part🙊😫😣, but I'm too sleepy to change it so...yeah😌😴

Song: Champion by Bishop Briggs.

The year 2047.

The sound of rain pelting the metal roof above me echoed through the house, it left the reminder of the emptiness that was already present, the emptiness that was not only in the room but in my little heart.

I saw a dark figure move from my peripheral vision, I instantly leaned in closer to the Window to get a better view, hope fluttering in my chest, my eyes adjusted to the darkness of the streets outside and I watched for any signs of him but my hope was dashed when an alley cat ran across the street.

It wasn't him, I felt my heart break into a million pieces as my hope was dashed.

I felt the familiar pang of tears behind my eyelids, I blinked away the tears that threatened to fall, trying not to remember what I had lost.

Or what I was about to lose.

Kay had been captured by the Luminos when he was near the main city and he had been taken to the reform center, I knew that the chances of him surviving the center was really slim and that was what frightened me the most, I would have to face the reality that I had lost another person whom I cared for deeply, I shut my eyes to those thoughts, tried to block them out.

I would not lose my brother again, I had lost Jay, I'm not going to lose Kay too, especially not a few days to my 12th birthday.

The sound of light footsteps brought me out of my thoughts and reminded me that I was not entirely alone.

Leia took one look at my teary eyes and her eyes softened, she sat down next to me on the window seat.

"Oh sweetheart" she cooed, pulling me into her arms, for a tight yet comforting hug.

I don't know what came over me, perhaps it was the fact that she was the closest thing to a mother that I had, not even Mia, as sweet as she was, could feel that void, I broke down and cried uncontrollably into her shoulder, letting her hold me.

She stroked my hair repeatedly, it was comforting and even though Leia shared no physical resemblance to my mom, she reminded me so much of her, with the way she smiled and the warmth in her eyes and in her voice, perhaps that was what drew me to Leia and then something hit me-

-I missed my mom, I missed her so much and I wanted her here.

Leia wasn't my mom, she was close but she would never be her, my mom was my mom and no one was ever going to change that not even Leia.

"He'll be alright" Leia spoke after a minute, her voice was distant, almost like she was deep in thought as well, "you want him back that much, don't you?"

She pulled me away to stare into my red, puffy eyes, her's softening a bit, I stared down at my trembling fingers, embarrassed that she had seen me at my weakest, only one person had witnessed it and that was Kay.

The Villains: Revolution ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon