Chapter 33_...I know...

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Hiya mi pretties😍😘 ready for another adventure? I see.... well then let's not keep you waiting...taliho!


Now pay close attention my little munchkins cause there are those amongst you that know more than you'd expect, don't worry, it's easy to sport them...

Just look out for that guy or gal that's got that bright glint in their eyes, the glows that's just too bright to be termed friendly curiousity, mislabelling of the highest sort I call it.

When you see that glow you just know, because it follows their every actions, their eyes and corner of their lips twitch, then there's that all knowing smirk that from afar appears unhinged or otherwise smug or too cocky, whichever is fine by you but! Do not! And I repeat Do not! Underestimate that smile, it's true all cocky men are intelligent fools but not all of them...

Some might just know what you don't, and as you sit there talking about your new job at some hotshot company, that crazy or know it all guy is laughing to himself thinking 'that sucker probably doesn't know that it's (the company) gonna burn down in a week or two or it's bound to go bankrupt in a month!' and you'll probably give him/her a look that says 'what's this lunatic giggling about now or what's Mr. Smarty-pants even know about business anyway?'

Well stop! Before you think such thoughts check to see if that guy had the gleam, does he perhaps look like he's got some big secret to tell but is just tryna hold it in? Does he mutter to himself sometimes? Then yes, he might be the guy but.... remember there's a difference between the eyes of a man who knows a lot of juicy mind blowing, out of this world secrets and the guy that's just schizophrenic and probably a thought or two away from blowing everyone's mind (with a gun)

But hey! What do I know? I'm just your neighborhood stranger, and didn't your mother ever tell you not to talk to strangers? Now get on outta here! Scat!


30th August, 2049.

Heroes Headquarters, Queens.


Jayden stepped into Elaine's office that early morning, specifically for one reason and one reason only, to talk to her about project X, he wanted to verify if she really gave that information to Rose, it just made zero sense, that Elaine would keep all HQ's dirty wall in a single folder when The Boss had tasked her with the responsibility of destroying such evidences.

He groaned inwardly, the word 'evidence' made the Heroes seem like dirty criminals.

' And what if they are?' a tiny voice in his head chipped in.

He quickly shook it off before it could incite another brain piercing debate, he walked through the door and easily located her desk, she was tending to a lot of paperwork but they were neatly arranged in staggering piles.

"Don't you have a class today Jayden?" She asked without looking up from the screen in front of her.

Jayden jumped slightly, he quickly recovered and cleared his throat, "I do...but I have a question to ask"

She must have heard the weariness in his voice cause she looked up, her glasses resting on the bridge of her nose, she rolled her hand forward in a ' get on with it ' gesture.

Jayden inhaled sharply, deciding to get it over with, he blurted out, "Rose is in possession of a file called Project X and she insists that you gave it to her, apparently it reveals a bunch of shady missions that you and The Boss had been trying to cover up and it was in your possession up until a few days ago" Jayden exhaled sharply, releasing the breathe he'd been holding in, he watched Elaine's expression wearily.

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