Chapter 10_It just might be...

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How y'all doing? Eager to find out who the skeleton belongs to🙈? *gasp*😱 are we going to find out that John is a crazy murderer?🙊😼.

Here's a hint:

👩👨👶👧👋💀👻💭👲👿👎🃏👲👀🔮👪👴🙏🙌but👩😓👲💬🏃🚞🔓🔍🔑⬇🌄.(yeah this hint is garbage but it was fun trying to convey my thoughts through emoji)

Song: Castle by Halsey.

Jade's POV.

"What the hell?!" Lee exclaimed, his chest heaving from the fright he just experienced.

The lifeless eyes of a dangling skeleton stared back at us, its body swaying slightly as though taunting us.

Right at that moment, the lights came back on and instantly Lee screamed again and this time, he wasn't the only one, well all except for Kay who just jumped back in fear, there was a reason we were all scared out of our minds.

Lining the hallway, on both the left and right wing, stringed on a zip line that was drawn across each hallway were skeletons, each one with a more horrific expression than the last, I was pretty sure some were even dripping with what I hoped was not blood.

"You're right Kay, John isn't just a psychopath" he smiled but it was obviously forced, then it dropped to a scowl, "HE'S ALSO A HOMICIDAL SOCIOPATHIC PSYCHO!!!" he yelled.

Kay shrugged carelessly and helped Lee to his feet, while we all stared on in horror, Kay being the brave one in this situation, walked up to one of the skeleton and touched its hands or what was left of it.

He turned back to us with a raised brow and an amused smirk, "this isn't real" he mused, "it's plain wood"

We all heaved a sigh of relief, Kay lightly chuckled while shaking his head, he patted the skeleton on its bony shoulder and laughed.

"I told you once, I'll tell you twice again" he directed at Lee, "John is NOT a psychopath"

With that, he continued down the hallway, whistling! Gwen and I exchanged confused and otherwise terrified looks and followed Kay.

"Right" Lee muttered but loud enough for us to hear, "cause lining your hall with skeletons is the most normal thing to do" he eyed the skeletons skeptically.


Kay led us to the left wing and through the skeleton filled halls to a door at the end of the hallway, for some reason it seemed more bigger and a lot more intimidating than the others.

"You're sure he's here?" I asked Kay, who nodded but still answered anyway.

"He brought me here the first time he invited me over"

Lee stared at Kay in bewilderment, "wait, he's invited you to his house before?!"

"Yeah" Kay replied.

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