Chapter 4_What's mine is yours

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The plot is thickening and we are getting somewhere...😕 I don't know, I realised that I have to change a lot of things in the first book because I wrote it like when I was 13 so it was just, you know less detailed and impulsive, I'm still using the original plot, just making it a little more detailed.

Song: Play by Alan Walker.

We used to hide under the covers,
Serenade each other,
With careless melodies,
Something buried deep inside us,
The major and the minor,
We're like piano keys,
You played for me ×3
I swear it even in my sleep,
I hear like the memories,
Of everything we used to be,
You played for me (instrumental) ×3
We couldn't stop the world from turning,
It was like a whirlwind scattered us like leaves,
But I'm stuck inside the feeling,
A song that never leaves,
We were like a symphony..
You played for me × 3

3rd persons POV.

Roosevelt Island.

Jade and the others got off the boat, that Lee Weirdly shape shifted into, they had to cross the water to get to the warehouse which was well hidden, it was huge and didn't look all that new, guess it was a way to make it look abandoned to avoid attracting too much attention.

"Wow this place is creepy" Lee commented, looking around.

"Yeah it is" Kay agreed, "we just need to get one of those orbs and leave, it should be easy, right team?"

He turned to look at them with a hopeful smile, they looked unsure and definitely not convinced, Kay scowled slightly.

"Or maybe not" he mumbled to himself.

They walked up to the warehouse and its huge garage like door, they all stopped to stare at it, it was a huge metal caked in rust and dust but the hinges were new, strong, signs of an early work done on the doors.

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