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Days pass, and considering he hasn't received a reply yet, Win assumes that Bright isn't particularly interested in seeing him, so he starts 'Project: Get Over Bright' - with the help of Saint.

On the first night, Saint and Zee take Win to a party, telling him that he has to go and meet new people 'because they don't need a third wheel hanging around'. Win complains a little, before he gives in and ventures around the house, seeing if there's anyone he even knows vaguely.

To his disappointment, there isn't, but when he realizes this, he bumps straight into a guy who introduces himself as Beam. They spend a majority of the evening together, chatting and dancing (and getting more than slightly tipsy).

By the end of the evening, Win has Beam's phone number in his mobile and has a burning kiss on his cheek. Saint pats him on the back and congratulates him.


Pushing the door open carefully at two o'clock in the morning, Win notices the LED on his phone flashing by his bed. He feels a slight swoop of hope in his stomach as he unlocks the screen. The 'swoop of hope' turns into a dive of oh-my-fucking-god-just-kill-me-now when he reads the message.

From: Bright

Win, it's so, so nice to hear from you.

I would absolutely love to see you at some point.

I'm home soon :) - Bright x

Win bites the inside of his cheek hard enough to shed blood as he processes the message in front of him - which takes slightly longer for a partly drunk brain.

Soon, it clicks and he throws himself backward on the bed, burying his face in the pillow.

Unable to come up with a text to respond, Win just cries himself to sleep.

The next morning - or afternoon, as it is one o'clock - Win wakes up to a pounding headache and a buzzing by his leg. He groans, reaching blindly for his phone as it continues vibrating.

"Hello?" he croaks once he's answered.

"Winnie! It's Saint, hey how are you?"

Saint sounds way to chipper for a Saturday morning/afternoon after a night out.

"Absolutely wonderful," Win replies, swinging his legs out of bed and realizing he must have removed his jeans in his sleep. "What do you want?"

"To discuss the next stage of your treatment," Saint says.

"I'm not ill, Saint." Win stands up and stretches out the muscles in his back, regretting sleeping in an awkward position.

"You've been suffering from heartbreak," Saint points out. "The way to get over it now, is to..."

As Saint continues to natter on about his plan, Win gets himself ready, carrying his phone into the bathroom to brush his teeth and wipe the sleep from his eyes.

"Saint, I need to shower; can we sort this out later?"

"Just text Beam, okay? That's the next step."

"Okay, I'll speak to you later." Win hangs up the phone and strips off his clothes before jumping into the shower, already feeling himself relaxing once he is immersed in the spray.

As he rinses the shampoo out of his hair, he practically feels the memory clicking inside of his head.

Bright texted him last night.

He quickly finishes cleaning himself and jumps out of the shower, drying off and tying the towel around his waist before unlocking the phone and scrolling through until he finds the message.

From: Bright

Win, it's so, so nice to hear from you.

I would absolutely love to see you at some point,

I'm home soon :) - Bright x

His heart clenches at the thought of seeing Bright again. He has missed him so much and is really struggling with not seeing him all of the time like he used to.

Win wonders what Bright was thinking when he sent this message. Was he happy or unhappy? Focused or distracted? Sober or drunk?

The possibilities are endless, and Win can only hope that Bright really means what he said, because there's no way in hell he's missing the opportunity to see him again.

And if Saint texts him later to ask what Beam said in response, maybe Win would explain that he sent a text to the one person he actually wanted to.


Just under a week later, it is the day that Win and Bright have organized to meet up. Win woke up at about seven o'clock this morning and has been spending the last couple of hours trying to come up with something to wear.

His four friends sit on the bed, shaking their heads to each outfit Win shows them.

"What about the top you wore first, with the jeans you're wearing now?" Tay suggests.

"No, it won't go right," Saint says, walking across to the wardrobe to sort through it for the fourth time. "How about this?" he asks, holding out a long sleeved, V-necked, navy blue shirt.

Tay and Zee nod in approval right away, and New eventually agrees.

Once the outfit has been decided, everyone insists on giving Win a pep-talk about what will be happening.

"You need to expect to be friend-zoned," Zee explains. "Don't be obviously disappointed."

"I won't be; I know he isn't interested in being more than friends, anyway," Win replies, pacing.

"Don't hug him when you see him," New says. "He might think you want to get back together."

"He won't think that." Win shakes his head and New shrugs.

"And finally," Tay explains, "don't let him know you're not over him."


"If you say anything to do with being over him, I'll punch you," Saint threatens. "I've never seen anyone so excited about seeing an ex before."

All of his friends nod in agreement and Win groans. "I'm not excited," he insists.

Okay, he was lying.

Win can barely contain the excitement building up inside of him as he makes his way to the café where he is meeting Bright. Everyone had wished him luck before he left - even his family - and that made him slightly anxious.

Why would he need luck? He's only seeing Bright.


what do u think win will do when he meets Bright?

hope you liked it :)

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