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A week before Win's birthday, the boys are sat around the lunch table at school with their friends, and that is when Bright asks Win what he wants for his birthday.

Win shrugs. "You could let me take you out. You have tokens, remember?"

"Ha-ha, very funny," Bright says sarcastically. "What would you really like?"

Win think about it for a moment, opens his mouth to reply before remembering that they have company. He bites his lip and leans forward to Bright's ear.

"I want you to make love to me," he whispers.

He hears Bright's gasp as he pulls back and sees him squirming a bit in his seat.

"How much are you going to bet that Win just said something dirty?"

Bright slaps Saint's arm at his comment before packing up his food and gesturing for Win to follow him out of the lunch hall. They walk together to the Languages staircase and sit down in silence.

"Did you really mean that?" Bright eventually whispers, not looking in Win's direction.

"Yes," Win replies at the same volume, shaking slightly with nerves. He didn't think he'd be saying that to Bright today when he got out of bed this morning. He then adds, with a little more confidence: "I'll be sixteen. They said in Sex Ed that you cou-"

"I know, Win. The question is, are you ready?" Bright asks seriously.

"I think so. I mean, we've been together for over a year, right? And I know I love you enough."

Bright laughs bitterly at Win's naïveté. "I don't think you're ready."

"And who are you to tell me that?"

"I'm the person who you're asking to have sex with." Bright finally turns to face Win on the other end of the step and sees that he has tears in his eyes. The older boy pulls him close, stroking his hair gently.

"So, you're saying no?" mumbles Win into Bright's t-shirt.

"Not necessarily no," Bright replies. "More like, 'let's give it time'."

Win pulls back slightly. "So, 'no'," he states.

"No for now," Bright corrects. "But I promise that, if it really is what you want, I will make love to you one day."

And if Bright asks Win what has brought it on and he shrugs and says, 'it's because I love you', he also means, 'it's because I get off to the thought of you pretty much every night'.


That 'one day' sort of comes in the Easter holiday, when they had been together for a year and about three and a half months.

Win finally got Bright to use his coupons from his birthday – by threatening an expiration date - so they spent a whole day together, getting the bus into town in the morning, having lunch at PF Changs Friday's and going to the cinema to watch a film of Bright's choice.

When they return to Win's, they see that the house is empty (Manu must have gone out), so Win throws his arms around Bright's neck and brushes their lips together. "We have the house to ourselves," he points out.

As he awaits Bright's normal 'not yet' speech, he takes advantage of the situation and snogs Bright passionately, knocking him slightly off balance. Surprising to Win, Bright does nothing to fight back, and lets himself be led into the living room, where Win falls back onto the sofa, pulling Bright on top of him.

They kiss messily for a few minutes until Win opens his mouth, allowing Bright's tongue to enter it. A groan forms in Win's throat as Bright sucks on his tongue, and he can feel himself getting hard. He throws his head back and moans aloud when Bright's hip accidently brushes against his covered erection, keening as Bright marks his collarbone.

From Day 1 ❦ BrightWin ✔Where stories live. Discover now