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Win holds his breath and finally turns to face the boy sat beside him. "I can't believe you did that," he says.

"Sorry." Bright shrugs, a faint smile on his face.

Win is practically speechless. He feels frozen to the spot as well, as he really doesn't know what to say or do. Eventually, he decides and puts the laptop on the floor before throwing his arms around Bright's neck. The tears flow freely now and Win sobs into the other boy's neck.

Bright hushes the boy and rubs his back comfortingly.

"Why would you do that?" Win eventually lets out.

"It's tradition, right?"

"Thank you," Win squeaks.

Bright just pulled the other boy closer and murmurs, "You're welcome," into his hair.


The rest of Christmas Day soon evaporates, and the Chivarees are leaving. Win gives everyone a hug – including Bright (who still isn't forgiven, but he is in good enough books to deserve a hug) – and wishes them Merry Christmas one last time. It is not long after they've left that Win goes to bed, his mind buzzing with thousands of thoughts that he can't make any sense of.

He doesn't know what exact emotion he is feeling towards Bright anymore. Part of him insists to never forgive him, no matter what, but another part is starting to feel like he deserves forgiveness after all the lovely things he's done. It's just all so confusing.

He hopes, that by New Year's Eve, when it is the turn of the Chivaree's party, everything will be much clearer.

"Win! Are you up?"

"Yeah!" Win replies, jumping around his bedroom with only one leg in his skinny jeans, trying to tug them onto his legs.

"Can I come in?"

"Just a second." Win finally manages to get both legs in and the button done up. "Come in!"

Anu pokes her head round the door. "Hi, it's ju-" she stops herself, staring at Win's attire. "What are you wearing?"

Win shrugs, embarrassed. "Just trying stuff on for the party tonight."

"I think those jeans may have shrunk in the wash."

"They're fine, ma," Win argues, attempting to pull them up. "What's up, anyway?"

"I just came to make sure that you were awake. I know what you're like with your one o'clock lie-ins."

Win rolls his eyes. "Well, I'm up now," he points out, hinting for his Mum to leave.

"Right, right." She walks across to the door and opens it. "Do you really need to sort out your clothes now?"

Win shrugs again.

Anu sighs, leaves the room and closes the door behind her, baffled by her son's sudden change in character.

He's growing up.

From: Brightie :)

Will I see u ltr???

From: Winnie <3

Yep!! 😊

From: Brightie :)

Gd can't wait :) 😃✨💚

Win checks his phone again and finds himself smiling just because he'd received another text from his sort of best friend, who was still sort of unforgiven.

From Day 1 ❦ BrightWin ✔Where stories live. Discover now