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Jealousy is a green-eyed monster.

That green-eyed monster claws at Win's heart every single day; every single lunchtime when he's sat with Zee and Saint and Tay and New. Bright jokes with him, saying that they can be single together.

Win scolds himself every time he looks at Bright and thinks about what it would be like to kiss him. He constantly tells himself 'no' when he thinks about what it would be like to have his fingers tangled up with Bright'.

A couple of weeks into the summer holidays of that year, he decides to tell Saint.

"So, when did you finally realize?" Saint asks with his hand in a packet of Lays.

"Well it was the day that... finally?"

"Uh, yeah. You're obvious. I think I first noticed it when you were dancing at Tay's birthday that year...I'm pretty sure New and Tay have noticed too."

"Brilliant." Win falls back onto the bed, throwing his arm across his face. Deep down he sort of wishes that he is obvious enough for Bright to notice, because at least then he wouldn't ever have to explain to him.

"Don't worry though, I think Bright' completely oblivious to everything."

Win chuckled darkly at how Saint's words fitted with his previous thoughts. "It doesn't matter anyway - he's straight, Saint."

"And how could you possibly know that?"

"He's my best friend - of course I know. He went out with Hannah, didn't he?"

"Yeah and broke up with her after a month and a half and hasn't been out with anyone since. Also, guys who are unsure about their sexuality often go out with girls before they know the truth," Saint points out.

When Win doesn't really say much else for the next half an hour or so, Saint leaves, promising that he won't tell a soul.


When Win returns to school after a fairly boring summer holiday, he realizes that he has started to occasionally avoid Bright. He doesn't necessarily do it on purpose, but because of his sudden...feelings, he does occasionally turn in the opposite direction in corridors, or occasionally makes sure he is sat far from him at lunch. Just occasionally.

Bright joins the school football team, and hangs around with his teammates every now and again once he has finished eating with his friends, and Win can't help feeling a bit left out - especially for the fact that Korn is on the football team. 

He thinks he's stupid for feeling this way however, as he can't expect to stick with Bright like glue when he's always trying to avoid him.

One cold day, when the snow is falling lightly outside, he smiles at everyone before sitting down in the only spare seat left... opposite Bright. Not his favorite place to sit in his current situation. He knows he's practically staring already and-

"What's up, Winnie? Have I got something on my face?" Bright grins.

"Sorry, was just... out of it."

"Thought you were." He chuckles. "Becoming a bit of a habit of yours, right?"

Well, shit. Before Win has a chance to panic at all, Bright is speaking again.

"Anyway guys, this weekend I'm having a party for-"

As Bright continues to talk about the birthday party he has planned for when his mum goes out on Saturday, Win tries not to find himself transfixed by the movement of his mouth.

He blinks continuously, trying to stop thinking about what Bright's lips would feel like against his, before moving his train of thought to his beautiful eyes surrounded by surprisingly long lashes. When he realizes he has been staring for too long, Bright catches his attention to ask whether he'd be attending, which Win just replies to with a nod.


"There's not going to be any alcohol at this party, right Bright?"

"No, Mum."

Anu raises her eyebrows, but decides not to question it further. "I will have my mobile for the whole evening, so if you need me..."

"I know, Mum."

"Okay then, birthday boy." She ruffles his hair. "You've got Win to look after you anyway."

Bright looks up from sorting out his hair and grins at Win. "Of course."

"Right, I will see you later then boys. Everyone gone for one o'clock, okay?"

"Yes, Mum."

"Okay then. Happy birthday, love." Anu kisses the top of Bright's head and walks out to the hallway, putting on her coat and shoes. "Be good!"

When they hear the front door slam, Bright turns to his curly haired friend and smiles.

"Well Winnie, my friend," he slaps a hand down on Win's shoulder, "I think it's almost party time."


Hope you liked it!

Lemme know what you think of the story till now :)

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