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Christmas day soon rolls around, and Win finds himself adding finishing touches to his gift for Bright at quarter to eleven when he knows that they need to be out of the house by eleven o'clock.

"Win! Are you ready to go?"


He picks up the sheet carefully and runs his free hand through his hair once more as he hurries down the stairs. His family asks what the piece of paper is for, and when he explains that it's Bright's present, they don't ask again.


Christmas day is fully enjoyable for everyone. Win and Bright sit close together throughout the whole meal, with colorful paper crowns perched on their heads as they mess around and joke with each other and the rest of their families, making everyone laugh (and their mothers smile fondly at them).

When everyone but Kulap trudges into the living room after eating, ready for gift-giving, Bright drags Win into the entrance hall, where a conveniently placed sprig of mistletoe is hanging from the ceiling above their heads.

They kiss romantically, but chastely – trying not to get too into it – before Jiya yells: "Oi, lovebirds, cut it out!" from the doorway.

Once the rest of the present swapping is over, they leave the room – as tradition allows – and go upstairs to Bright's room, where a small package already lays on his bed.

Win had asked Kulap when she answered the door earlier whether he could quickly run up to Bright's room to put the gift away, as it isn't wrapped, and he didn't want Bright to see it.

He pulls it out from its hiding place behind Bright's desk and holds it across his palms, face down.

"When did you put that in here?" Bright asks, walking across to him.

"Earlier, when I had just arrived, and you were in the living room stealing Jiya's chocolates."

Bright chuckles and reaches out to take the paper from Win. He pauses. "May I?"

Win simply nods and places the sheet into Bright's hands.

He flips it over and analyses every part of it – there is quite a lot to look at – with a massive smile on his face.

"This is incredible, baby," he says, still reading.

It's a sheet of all their memories written down in different calligraphy styles, tightly packed together so all of the ones Win could remember would fit on. He'd also added little sketches and doodles everywhere, making it look like one of the sheets the boys would pass between them when they were younger, even if they were at each other's houses and could have a conversation aloud.

When he has finished reading, Bright pulls Win into a hug, kissing his temple. "I really do love it."

"I'm glad." Win smiles and reaches for the present on Bright's bed, pulling the ribbon and paper off carefully. Inside is a leather-bound book with a 'W' on the front of it.

"I know we're not supposed to buy things, but that's the only part I bought – promise."

Win looks up at Bright briefly, wondering what could be inside, before pulling the front cover back and seeing 'Win Metawin' written in fancy script, that he knew not to be Bright's.

"You got help," Win murmurs.

Bright nods slowly. "I did, yes, but every part of the book is done by me; I was only given advice."

From Day 1 ❦ BrightWin ✔Where stories live. Discover now