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The following summer is another one of Win's favorites; it is second only to the holiday in Spain a few years before.

The boys spend many days together, celebrating the freedom of summer before the dreaded return to school. One day they go swimming, and if Bright picks Win up, throws him into the deep end, and gets scolded for it by the lifeguard, perhaps they don't tell their parents that they were banned from the pool for disruptive.

Another time they invite their friends to the field and have a massive water fight, and Saint may have accidentally sprayed a woman walking her dog with his water gun, but she surprises them all by laughing and joking about getting her revenge.

They also have a day out at an amusement park, and Bright finally helps Win with getting over his fear of rollercoasters and if that's by kissing him when they're queuing up to get rid of his nerves, Win's not complaining.

Even after all the wonderful days out that Win has with his boyfriend, they hardly compare to the times they spend together when Bright takes him out on dates in the evenings.

Whether it's the cinema, ten-pin bowling, or dinner, (even when it's at McDonald's) Win can't quite believe that it's happening. He's got what he's wanted since he was thirteen, and it just feels surreal.

"I feel bad that it's always you taking me out," Win mumbles, sipping from his Coke as they sit in the fast-food restaurant.

"I love taking you out," Bright replies, shrugging and spooning a bit more ice cream into his mouth. "Besides, you're my baby. I just want to look after you and care for you, and if taking you out is part of that, then I shall do it."

"It doesn't have to necessarily be part of it," Win points out, gesturing with his own plastic cutlery.

"Babe, please... just let me." Bright smiles and holds Win's hand on the table.

So Win does, because who is he to deny Bright of what he wants?


"You ready for this?" Bright asks as the two boys approach the school gates.

Win shrugs, knowing that it'll be more of a big thing for Bright, as Win is probably just known as 'the kid who follows Bright Chivaree around', and that no one really cares about who he is.

Bright suddenly stops them and pulls Win into a hug. "Whatever happens, baby, please remember that I love you. So much." His voice is muffled in the shoulder of Win's school blazer, and his nerves shine through.

"I will. I love you too."

Bright kisses the boy softly before taking his hand again, and squeezing it before walking towards the entrance.

The students in the lobby part walk before them like the Red Sea, watching them with surprised facial expressions and slightly confused body language.

"I didn't know Chivaree was gay."

"I always suspected something was going on between those two..."

"That Win kid doesn't deserve someone like that."

The boys try to ignore the hushed comments surrounding them, but Bright reacts to the final one by spinning back to face the source – the girl who keeps following him around. Win stumbles forward when Bright suddenly stops, keeping a firm grip on his hand.

From Day 1 ❦ BrightWin ✔Where stories live. Discover now