The Death of a Demon

78 1 13

3rd Person's POV

The group was happily going through town, watching their dragon slayer friend. He was going all over the place. Everything was going well. They decided to stop by a bar and grab some food. They ordered some food (Happy ordered for Natsu since he didn't understand). Natsu was staring at his food for a while. Lucy looked over and saw that Natsu was crying.



"Is everything alright?"

"I.... I don't know...... I don't remember feeling this way before."

Lucy looked at her friend. She walked over to him and hugged him. His eyes widened, not realizing what was happening. He soon relaxed as he felt safe in her arms.

"Why are you doing this? I don't understand."

"Well.... why did you help us?"

Natsu looked at Lucy. Should he tell her the truth or say what he thinks she wants to here. He stayed silent for a little bit.

"I didn't want your friend to go through what I went through."

"Well, he's your friend too. Plus, you shouldn't live that way anymore."

Lucy gently pet his head. Her touch relaxed him. He thought about it and he realized the last time he felt this kind of touch was when Taku......

"Natsu, how would you like to have a home at Fairy Tail?"

"Fairy Tail?"

"Yeah, it's our guild. Anyone is welcomed there. I know that you would be welcomed."

Lucy saw a small spark of hope shine in his eyes. He started to smile, but quickly frowned.

"I can't."

"Sure, you can. Natsu, we know about your........... curse, and we think that we can help you."

He looked at her. He knew that there was no cure. He has been told that over and over by her. He can't get her out of his head, no matter what. He was just delaying the effects. They were trying to give him hope. He had no hope of being cured, but maybe he could be accepted? That is something he could hope for. He didn't want Lucy to worry so he nodded his head. Natsu then ate some of his food. He found that he really liked it. It was called a Cuban Sandwich. (First thing that came to my mind. XD) After they ate, and paid, they left. The left the town as well.

"Hey, Pyro, you listening?"

"Huh? Sorry, no, I wasn't."

"I was asking you how you are liking it out here."

"Oh, well, I like it very much. It's so different than I thought. I really enjoy being here."

"That's good. When we get home, you'll love it even more."

Natsu nods his head. However, he felt uneasy. Something wasn't settling right with him. Was it the food? No, that wasn't it. It felt...... worse than a stomach ache. He shivered as a chill went down his spin. He felt the wagon come to a stop. That confused him. He wasn't the only one.

"Why did we stop?"

"There is someone in the middle of the road."

Natsu sniffed the air. His eyes widened.

'It couldn't be.... not here.... not now!'

The young male thought. He went to the front of the wagon and looked forward. He saw a tall, thin woman. She had dark black hair that was pushed back. She had red shining eyes. She wore many rings around her neck. She wore a long black dress with sleeves that reached her wrist. Her nails were long and black. She had pale skin and red cursed marks running down her face and arms. Natsu stared at her. She looked straight at him. Her eyes stayed narrowed.

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