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Lucy's Pov

I screamed. I was waiting for Erza to respond when I felt a presence. I may have felt the presence because I am a celestial wizard. I can sense strong spirits of people or creatures. The presence is coming toward the river. I glanced in that direction. In the tall grass I saw a pair of orange eyes flash. That is why I screamed.

"Lucy is everything okay."

I looked up. Erza, Gray, and Happy were looking down at me. Erza was asking if I was alright. I nodded and just told them that I just saw a snake. Erza looked at me and then started to talk us but I was only half listening. Those eyes that I saw, they made me feel uncomfortable. They were just creepy. It had sent a chill up my spin. I may not have been completely listening to what Erza was saying, but what I did catch from her was that we go and see the master of Fairy Tail. We thought this to be the best idea. That and it was our only idea. We headed out to go to the guild to find master Makarov. Then a thought came to me. What if I was the reason that Natsu has disappeared. The guild was nearly destroyed from Phantom because they were hired by my father to bring me home. My father could've found out that Natsu was the one that brought me to the guild. He could have found a wizard that was powerful enough to erase the very existence of anyone. Does such a wizard even exist? Was that even possible? Maybe he thought that if he could get rid of the one who brought his only daughter to a guild I would come running back home and beg him to reverse the spell to bring Natsu back, only if I promise to never leave again. Or if the spell can't be reversed then he would say that he would get rid of every member one by one till they were all gone and there was no more Fairy Tail. I couldn't shake off the feeling that I was at fault for this whole mess. I didn't tell Erza, Gray, or Happy that I was blaming myself this. To be honest, this whole mess was eating me up. I was close to crumbling. I don't know how long I could keep myself from falling apart. I was close crying the entire time we were looking for master Makarov, which wasn't that long. He was were we knew he would be. He was in the guild hall. He was just sitting at the bar drinking his favorite drink. Some kind of beer beverage. We approached him and started to talk to him.

"Master Makarov! Have you seen, or do you know of, Natsu Dragneel?

Erza asked the elderly man. She knows how to get straight to the point. The master of Fairy Tail didn't even look at us. He set down his drink, crossed his arms, and thought for a moment. It looked like he was asleep because he had closed his eyes as he thought about Erza's question.

"My dear. In all my years, I have never met anyone whose name was Natsu Dragneel. He is not one I have met. That being said their may be one with that name, I just don't know this person. Why do ask, child?"

I could feel my heart sink. If whoever did this spell effected Master Makarov, then why did it not affect us? Then I thought of something. If Natsu was found by Master Makarov, then where did Makarov find Natsu? Where was Natsu when Makarov found him? Where did he go that he found a small boy wandering alone looking for his dragon father?

"Excuse me, master? May I ask where you went around seven or eight years ago?"

I asked with high hopes. If master tells us where he went then maybe we could go in that area and look farther than he had gone and we would get a clue on what happen. It is always best to go to the source. Makarov looked at me with an expression that read 'how did you know that I left the guild hall all those years ago.'

"My dear, didn't go anywhere during your time frame you asked for. I stayed in the guild hall..."

My heart sank even farther.

"I was planning on going to this strange forest that I had heard strange tales people give. This forest lets out strange magic energy that steer people who have no magic capabilities either to or away from it. This forest is within a border of a dark forest. It is far from any guilds. From here it would be about a three week's journey on foot."

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