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Lucy's POV

I know that Carys told me to stay, but I couldn't. Natsu wasn't fighting back. This guy was assaulting him. I waited for him to stand up and fight back, but all he did was keep his head down. The male was larger than Natsu, but I know that Natsu had fought people stronger than this guy. Come on Natsu...... fight back.....come on....... 

"What brings you back, Taku?"

Carys had flown in front of Natsu and the man. His gaze landed on the elemental phoenix. He stayed silent for a moment. 

"I came back like I always do. To check on Natsu."

"You checked on me, now leave."

"Trying to get rid of me that quickly? You're hiding something."

"No. I'm not."

Taku began to circle Natsu. His gaze never left Natsu. Natsu continued to tremble. The taller man grabbed the back of Natsu's shirt's collar.  He lifts Natsu up a little. As he was doing this, I saw Erza walk out.

"Hey! Leave him alone!"

I watched as Natsu stiffened at the sound of Erza's voice. Taku looked over at her. His eyes narrowed. 

"So this is what you were hiding from me. You let a human come here." 

"Taku, leave the girl alone."

"You know the rules, Carys. He can't keep breaking them."

Natsu turned his head a little toward Erza and I could see that there was fear in his eye. Taku dropped Natsu and turned to face Erza. He had a fixed expression on her. His eyes were narrowed and focused. He crossed his arms and had his head tilt slightly that it was almost unnoticable. His eyes looked Erza up and down. 

"So, summoner, what are you doing here?"


"You are a caster that summons armor and weapons, am I wrong?"

"No...... you are not."

How did this guy know that she summons weapons and armor? He just looked at her. Seriously.... who is this guy? 

"I suggest you leave. Now that is."

He really didn't want us here, or her at least. I don't think he knows we are here. I wasn't going to let Erza deal with this guy alone. I stepped out of the tree and walked right next to Erza. 

"We are not leaving."

"Oh great. Another human."

His head turned to Natsu.

"How many did you bring here?"

Natsu stayed silent and frozen. The man didn't seem to like that. He walked over and leaned closer to him. His voice changed to a different, more threatening tone.

"How. Many?"


"Was that so hard to answer a simple question? Where is the third human?"

"He.... he's inside."

"Jeez, you let anyone come here, don't ya!"

He started to speak in a language I couldn't recognize. Natsu seemed to understand what he said. All he did was nod. He than responded in that same language. 

Taku's POV 

"Was that so hard to answer a simple question? Where is the third human?"

"He.... he's inside."

"Jeez, you let anyone come here, don't ya!"

I glanced over at the humans before speaking to Natsu. 

"~You do know what happens when you break the rules?~"

He nodded. He never looked at me. I hate being this rough on him.

"~I do understand... but they don't need to know.~"

"~NATSU! You can't just do what you want!~"

"~They were attacked. He had poison in him. I am trying to help them.~

Of course that is what happened. It always happens around here. I looked over at the humans. Lucy and Erza. That means the one that got hurt was Gray. I looked toward the tree and saw that cat. Happy, I believe is his name. I walked up to the blond girl. She stayed frozen. She may act tough but she is cautious. I whispered in her ear.

"~Take care, you might not see your friend again. You should take time and see that you put yourself in this position.~

I moved away from her and I could tell from her face she knew not of what I said. I scoffed. I figured as much. I walk over toward Natsu.

"Natsu, I will be going to see Mamii now."

His expression showed fear. He trust me more than her.

"Please don't....."

"I don't really have a choice here. They need to know what you are up to. I'll be back later."

I walked off. I could feel their gaze follow me. I smiled. 

Gray's POV

I could hear things outside. What was going on? Where did they go? I know that Natsu was here. I believe I told the others. My mind is clearing up, as well as my vision. I don't feel as warm as I was a little bit ago. I remember Natsu and that bird making me drink some foal tasting liquid. Some kind of medicine? Whatever it was, it is making me feel better. I try to move, but I am still unable to. I heard a yell. What was that? It came from outside. Are they in trouble? What is going on?

Erza's POV

I watched as that man walked away. I turned to Lucy. 

"What did he say to you?"

"I.... I don't know. I couldn't understand him."

I let out a sigh. I did not like that man. I don't know how, but he knew what my magic was. Was that his magic? Was he human? He kept calling us humans like he wasn't one. Maybe Den- no, Natsu could tell us....... Natsu... He was here all along? I looked to where he was and saw that he was gone. I looked around.

"Uh, Lucy? Natsu, he's.... gone."

A/N: Hey, Y'all. This is what, Chapter 18? I didn't think I would get this far. Anyway, This is Taku, fun fact about him is that his whole character personality (and somewhat his name) is based off my dog I used to have, Taco(Taco, Taku). Taco was a German Shepard mix and when I was little, he would "protect" me and as I got older, he didn't see me as that kid anymore. So he started to growel at me if I tried to pet him. Even with that sassyness of him, I still loved him. I had to put a little of him in my story. Hope you liked this chapter. See you in the next one. 


Posted: 6/6/2020

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