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Gray's POV(weren't expecting that were ya?)

I couldn't move. I was frozen, and not from my maker magic. My blood and body are in fire. I feel like Natsu's flames were within my body. Other than the burning feeling, I felt sore and tired. I couldn't feel my arm. I couldn't even see. What happened? I was having some difficulty remembering what had happened before I fell sleep. My mind was a blank. The last thing I can clearly remember is being in a dark forest. We were looking for something. No, Someone. But who? Why can't I move? I can hear voices. Who was speaking? They sound concerned. Why? I can't really say. My body feels tired. I think I'll rest some more.

Erza's POV

I awoke from the noise of conversation. It was Lucy. She was talking to what seemed to be a male. Everything about him was off. The way he moved, the way he spoke. He was a complete mystery. Who wants to stay here where they get attacked like that? By the looks of it, he lives alone. I sat up and looked over at where Lucy's voice was coming from. The male was still wearing that mask on his face. It was unsettling.

"I know this may sound rude but, can I trust you?"

The male seemed to be taken back by this question. I decided to take part in this conversation.

"Yes, can we trust you? You did knock us out with..... something."

Lucy and the male looked over at me. Guess they didn't know I was awake.

"Erza, he was helping Gray. When the demon attacked us, yes that was a demon, Gray got poison in his bloodstream. That is why he was paralyzed. He is trying to make sure that Gray doesn't die."

"Lucy, I understand, but he could have told us. Instead, he knocked us out. He left us vulnerable."

I noticed that the male had backed away. I must have risen my voice and was making him nervous.

"Uh, I'm sorry. That was rude of me. I wish to thank you for keeping Gray alive. Um, my name is Erza, that is Lucy, the one asleep is Happy, and you already know Gray."

He stayed silent. I must have scared him to where is uncomfortable. I felt guilty for doing so.

"I'm sorry if I said anything to upset you."

"It.... it is.... fine."

His voice was still rough, but his words were more clear. He turned his head away from us.

"What can we call you?"

"............. Anything."

Does he not have a name?

"What do you mean by that?"

"You call me whatever."



"Well, we have to call you something. If you don't want to tell us your name, I can respect that."

He gave a quick nod.

"Traps. Need to check them. Stay here. Safe."

With that he left. Traps? Why would he need traps? What for? Hunting? I couldn't be certain. What I could be certain was that if there were traps out there, we would have to be careful if we ever went out. No, when we go out. I wasn't going to stay here, wherever here was.

"Lucy? Is Gray alright?"

"I think so. He said that there was poison in him from the demon."

"He told you that? Hmmm. That must have been why he looked like he was biting Gray. He was getting the poison out of him. Seems as if I made a mistake for thinking he was a threat."

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