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"Come on. We finished the job and no one got hurt. Mostly."

The pink-haired Dragon Slayer said to his team. They were heading back to their guild after just finishing a mission.

"We would have had it done a lot quicker if YOU didn't alert the crooks."

The Raven-haired Ice Wizard told his comrade. He, for once, had his clothes on. He was staring angerly at the Dragon Slayer. The front of the ice wizard's hair was still smoking since the Dragon Slayer had accidentally set his hair on fire.

"I told you Gray, the fire... with your hair... That. That was an accident. Although, you have a wicked new hairdo."

Natsu told the Ice Mage with a grin. Gray looked at him with a menacing glare.

"Natsu!!!! You always end up burning something, whether that being a town, my clothes to where they hardly cover me, and now Gray's hair. When ever you do burn something, you act like it isn't your fault."

The blonde-haired Celestial Wizard shouted with a great deal of anger to the Dragon Slayer. She had anger in her eyes and on her face. She wasn't in the best mood at this time, but it could be worse. She turned to her other comrade, a Scarlet-haired girl.

"What about you Erza? You are awfully quiet. Do you believe that Natsu could be a little careful with his fire? That he is too careless?"

Erza was in deep thought. She was thinking about the mission that the team had just completed and had not said a word. Normally she would be scolding him. She was unusually quiet.

"I think Natsu could be a little more careful with his fire abilities. He..."

"I get it. I don't need a lesson from you all. I know that my fire is destructive. I told you all this before and I know I sometimes go a little overboard, but as I told you we got the job done. So, I don't get why you are scolding me for completing the mission."

Natsu interrupted Erza. He spoke with a slight anger in her voice. Lucy then spoke up.

"Natsu, we only say that you need a little more... uhhh... training with your powers. You know, so you have more control with your powers."

Natsu stopped in his place and turned to face Lucy. He had a look of anger on his face. Lucy suddenly wished she had kept quiet.

"I was trained by Igneel! The only way I could get more training is if he had never left me. Or if Gramps never found me, Igneel might have been there the whole time and thought that I had ran away, that I didn't care about him like he did me. What I get from what you are saying is that you wish that Gramps never found me."

Natsu shouted at Lucy. His eyes were starting to water as he spoke of Igneel abandoning him when he was a kid. The others looked at one another. Natsu had made what they were trying to say worst. They had forgotten that Natsu was taught his Fire Dragon Slayer magic from his adopted father. Igneel, the fire dragon.


The others were in silent. Secretly, they sometimes HAD wished that Natsu wasn't around. Natsu had said that in hopes that it wasn't true for he knew that the others thought that he only gets in their way. No one spoke up. They looked away from Natsu and couldn't meet his eyes and Natsu could tell that they were embarrassed by him finding out the truth.

"Okay. I get it. I am just a distraction to you. You want me gone. I will give you your space for now. I will see you around... or not." He paused. "MAYBE FARIY TAIL WOULD BE BETTER OFF IF GRAMPS NEVER FOUND ME!"

Natsu ran off. His friends could see the hurt look in his eyes.

"Natsu! Wait!"

Lucy yelled as he ran off. Erza walked up to Lucy and put a hand on Lucy's shoulder.

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