Only Human

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???'s POV

I walked toward the hurt human. Humans are not known to walk in these woods because of all the creatures that live here. This human was hurt and I needed to help it before it died. Humans don't have a good sense of smell. I have  a great sense of smell and my nose tells me that I must help this human. 


The poppy furred human kept yelling at me. I couldn't. I needed to get to the wounded, unconscienced human. I could tell the poppy furred human was weaken from exhaustion, but was trying to hold it together. She must be the alpha of the group. They all have one of those. I made a quick movement to dive toward the injured human. I made it to It and I picked up the human and put it on my back. 

The golden furred one looked at me and reached to get her vine. I saw what that thing could do. I had to leave before she could use that on me. The strange blue creature shouted at me.


I didn't understand what it meant by that. I looked at my surrounding. My home is straight in the direction the poppy furred human stood. I would have to take the long way. There was no way I could make it past it. I turned and ran up the tree. It would work for I know that most humans don't climb and don't have the skills to climb a tree. I was able to climb the tree quickly even with the add wait. The humans started to shout at me, but I ignore them. I needed to get this one to my home if I hope to save him. I could tell that the other humans were following me. That was good. If they follow me, they can know where their companion is. I traveled through the thick woods trying my hardest to not run into any trees. I was in the thick woods for some time before it started to clear up. The trees become more spread out it opened to a clearing. The clearing was of a field where in the distance you could see a snow capped mountain and a lake was right between the mountain and clearing. I headed right for the great Oak tree that was just a small distance from the lake. The oak was very tall. I can tell that it has been standing here since the first dragon fell. It was tall. The tallest out of all the trees that was seen in the forest. The inside was hollow and that is where I reside as my home. 

I brought the human into my home in the tree and set him down on some soft grass that I had woven together. I looked at his wound to see if he was doing worse. I could smell his blood. The smell was filling the hollow tree. I had to get that poison out of him. I quickly ran to the other side of the hollow tree and grabbed some feverfew, yarrow, stinging nettle, as well as Chervil. I heard a noise come from close to the entrance of my home, but I ignored it. The herbs weren't going to be enough I knew this. I had to get the bad blood out. And that would mean that I have to......

Erza's POV

Lucy, Happy and I had to run to try and keep up with, with, whatever just took our friend. I thought it was safe. I thought that it was there to help us. Did that thing think that Gray was dead? Did he want to consume our friend? Was he just a scavenger and that was why he attacked the monster? To protect his prey? Those were the thoughts going through my head. I should just ignore them though. I could be wrong. I have to be wrong. 

As we were running, I was losing sight of Gray and.......... I knew I had to get to Gray because he was unable to move. He was unable to defend himself if he needed to. What did that thing want with him? What was that thing? They way it moved, they way it was able to take on a creature more than double its size....... What could that be? 

I lost sight of them for a moment before I lost them completely. I knew that they were heading toward the north so we kept on that track before we came to a clearing. The woods were behind us and in front stood a massive field with a lake ahead. I stopped running to catch my breath. This.................. This place. It was breath taking. If I wasn't so worried for Gray, I would have stopped to take a look at this wonder. I looked around. There wasn't any place for them to be. However, I saw this grand tree. It was some kind of Oak tree. It was possible....... I headed toward the tree to find an entrance to it. It may have appeared to be a tree, but it was hollowed out. There were vines that had blocked the entrance. It had looked like a normal tree from afar, but not when someone gets closer. I looked behind me to see Lucy and Happy. They had managed to keep up and had done so without tripping and getting hurt, from what I can see. Gray was already hurt. We set out to find Natsu, and now we have to find Gray. I pushed back the vines to see that the creature that had taken Gray looked different. The creature seem to be standing upright and bent over Gray. He turned his head and spit something red onto the ground. It was a red liquid. It was blood. I stared in shock as the creature went back to Gray's arm and bit down on his arm. It repeated what it had done and spit out the blood in his mouth. I snapped out of my dazed state as I used my magic and made a sword. A sword? My magic works now? I couldn't think about that. I ran at the creature that was taking my friends blood. It turned and looked at me. It saw my sword and raised its arms up and put them in a protective position in front of them. I stopped in my tracks. This wasn't right. A moment ago it was attaching a creature bigger than itself, now it is cowering. I took a loser look at it. This wasn't a monster.......... These were hands of a human. I looked at its face. The top part of its face was similar to what it looked like earlier, but it was different. The bottom part of his face was coated in blood, but a fine line of a human jawline was there. I looked closer at the face. It was a mask! This wasn't a monster............. This was a human.

"Why did you take our friend?"


"Answer me!"


The sound of the unknown human before me was rough. He seemed to struggle with talking. As if they weren't familiar with these words.

"Poison? When did..........."

The person was shaking. They were scared. I lowered my sword and they relaxed. They turned to Gray and started to mess with some plants laid out. They took a small white flower and tore it's leaves. They started to crush up the leaves and took that half paste and half leaf solution and applied to Gray's wound. The person looked at me and tilted their head. 

"Are you........... Are you a human?"

They stayed silent.

"Can you understand me?"

They nod.

"Are you here alone?"


"Are you going to hurt Gray?"

Head tilt. I point to Gray.

"Are you going to hurt him?"

Shakes head

They picked up a red flower and shook it and small black seeds fell into their hand.


They started to crush the seeds.

"What do you mean? Rest? I don't............"

They blew the dust into my face and before I could react, I inhaled and suddenly felt lightheaded. My eyes grew heavy and I dropped to my knees before slipping onto a world of black.

A/N: Hey y'all. Finally wrote another chapter. This is the ninth chapter of this story. Sorry for the wait. School has kept me busy. As well as another story of mine that will be out soon. (I hope.) Anyway, hope you are having a wonderful day. Also, no more word minimum. I will write until I feel like it is a good place to stop. I'll see you in the next Chapter. 

~💙💖💗💖💙Happy Valentine's Day💙💖💗💖💙~

(Will start doing this):

Date Posted: 2/14/2020

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