Monster Village

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Erza's POV

We left Agama's house after he had gone out to the back and walked back with Natsu. Natsu was slightly shaking, but other than that, he looked unfazed. Agama was watching him closely. He looked a bit concerned. We didn't see what happened, but we know something did happen. Natsu looked at us.

"Let's go."

He walked out the door. We followed, not before bowing to Agama and thanking him for his hospitality. When we got to a certain distance from Agama's house, Natsu stopped.

"You may want to put those mask on now."

Right. The changeling mask that would change our appearance.

"Why don't I have one?"

We look at Happy. Natsu seemed to have the answer.

"Because you don't need to hide yourself. You aren't human."

Gray, Lucy and I exchanged glances, seeing what we look like now, before putting the mask on. They go right over our eyes as if we were going to a masquerade ball. When I open my eyes, I don't see Lucy and Gray........... He looked normal except...... His hair was a shiny crystal blue. His skin was also a lighter, paler color.


He was looking at himself and had to look up at me. He took a step back.


I nod to let him know it's me. Wait, where's Lucy?

"Uh, Lucy, where are you?"

"Ummm, Erza. I'm right in front of you."

I heard Lucy's voice, but I couldn't see her. She said she was right in front of me, but the only person in front of me was Gray. Even Gray seemed confused. We both looked around but we couldn't find Lucy.

"Lucy, we can hear you but can't see you."

"What? I'm right here."

Happy seemed confused.

"She's right here. Why can't yo- ahhh!"

He had raised his paw up and touched air before screaming. Natsu picked up on Happy's distress. He awkwardly patted his head.

"Calm down. She's fine. She is a ghost. That's why you can't touch her. You can only touch and see her if she allows you to. You are a cat, which is why you can see her."

He turns to Gray.

"You are an ice golem; you can use all of your same magic from before."

He turned to me.

"You are a Sindarin Elf." (Fight Me. Also, if you get this reference, You rock.)

A Sindarin Elf. I have heard of them before. The only thing that was different about me was my ears.

We followed Natsu to the edge of a village before we stopped once more. What could it be this time?

"You may want to follow me from a farther distance. The cat can stay with me, but you three should follow.... At a distance."

Before we could say another word he walked in the village. Happy looked at us.

"Happy, follow him and stay close."

"Will do, Erza."

He flies off and is by Natsu's side. For a moment, it seems like everything was normal. I frowned. I wonder if things will ever go back to normal.

Lucy's POV

We walked into the village after Natsu was a little way away from us. Why did he not want us to be close to him? I look around. This village was lively and beautiful and there were......... wait....... MONSTERS????

Now the Monster masks make sense. We needed to blend in in the Monster Village. Agama was a monster. There were so many monsters here. I was a little nervous. We never have good encounters with monsters. I noticed that there was a little girl monster. She was some kind of tiger girl. She looked...... happy. She had a smile on her face and was playing with her friend. Gray looked over and saw what I was seeing.

"They almost seem...... human....."

"I think you mean friendly."

"Uh, yeah."

Eraz chuckled. It was nice seeing this. We noticed Natsu stopped. He was looking at a boy vampire with an older male vampire. Father and son, maybe. I saw him let out a sigh. Happy suddenly shouted at Natsu.

"Look out!"

3rd Person POV

Natsu was hit with an egg on his head. The yoke ran down his face. He blinked. He looks over and we see a boy made of stone with wings. A gargoyle? He had two others with him. They were also gargoyles.

"What are you doing back here, freak!"


"Speak up! Can't hear ya!"

He and the other two snicker.

"I just came here to-"

"To what? Finish the rest of us off? Yeah, not gonna happen."

The gargoyle boy throws another egg at him. Natsu growls and I see his hand spark a small flame but it quickly goes out.

"You gonna burn us to dust with your fire, Demon?!"

Natsu grabs his head.

"Shut up..... Shut up..... SHUT UP!"

He seemed panicked for a moment before going back to normal. Or what his normal is. He looked at the boys and tilts his head to the left. They tack a step back. He looks around. The vampire kid was holding his dad's leg. The tiger girl was looking at him with fear.

Natsu reached up and touched his face. His hand traced over the scar that was over his eye. He brought his hands out in front of him and sighed. He looked at Happy who looked shocked and concerned for him. He looked away from the blue cat and kept walking. The others followed behind him in silence.

A/N: Gonna end it there. I plan to bring in some characters from another of Hiro's series into this story next chapter(hopefully). I hope this chapter adds to the mystery. See you guys in the next chapter.


Posted: 7/31/2020

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