25 - Suit me

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"This one, looks gorgeous!" My mom squeals as she holds up a long light pink dress to my chest.

"Not really" I sigh. This whole prom dress shopping thing was a pain in the ass. Although I did enjoy the time I got to spend with my mom, we didn't usually go and do things like this.

"Its looks beautiful Clementine. I don't know what you're talking about" she sighs putting it back on the hanger and looking through the clothes once again.

I pull out my phone and wait for her to show me another dress I could either turn down or shrug my shoulders to. Me and Nick were texting each other funny things, I didn't tell him that I was out 'prom dress shopping'. I mean, what if he didn't even want to go to prom? I'd just end up with a really nice random dress that I couldn't wear because there's nowhere to wear it too.

"How about this one?" She asks. I take my head away from my phone and look up. It was beautiful a perfect shade of scarlet. I quickly dart towards her and place it on myself to see if it suited me.

"Does it suit me?" I question. Unsure as to what people might think of me.

"It looks amazing sweetie. The boys will go nuts." She laughs. I end up joining her chuckles. No boys had even gone nuts about me apart from Luke and Nick. So the only boy in this current situation going nuts after me would be Nick.

"So can we get it?"

"Of course. I said I would buy it, didn't I?" She throws a rhetorical question at me. I just smile and take the dress into the changing rooms to see if it really did suit me.

She was right. It did suit me. Especially if I did my hair on the night. It would look perfect. I was ever so tempted to send a picture to Nick. I just wanted him to see me in my best state, in this beautiful dress. I snapped a picture just in case.

My mom took us both home. It seemed weird not driving since Nicks bad leg I had been driving myself everywhere. It was very rare that I became the passenger.

"I know its a special night but I want you back by 10." My dad scowls looking at the school email when me and my mom get back from the mall.

"Why? Can't I stay out?" I question, this was bullshit.

"It says on the email that it will end at 9:30. That means you should be back here by 10" he demands.


"No buts, I don't exactly want you staying round Nicks on...prom night" he said the words as if they were dirty.


"I don't want you popping out my grandchildren yet. Give it another 10 years and you can reconsider." He tells me.

I decided not to go against his words. Next Friday would be prom and I didn't want to get into an argument with him. He would most likely ban me from going. Also, only staying out until 10 would probably be a good idea, God knows how much I probably would have drunk if we went to a party afterwards.

Getting fed up of the conversation and not wanting to say anything I regretted I walked out calmly and headed off to Nicks. He had texted me nearly all day asking me to come round stating that 'It was an emergency' and he was 'dying of boredom'.

"Here's my princess" he smiles as he opens to door for me.

"Don't pull that sappy bullshit on me Mr.Randall"

"I thought you liked it?" He said with an innocent glow in his grin.

"Maybe a little" I giggle. I didn't mind him being sappy, it was actually quite funny. But when he did it in public, that's another question. That was just embarrassing and he did it on purpose just to annoy me.

I walk into his house. Once again Pete was at work doing whatever the hell he does. He was either playing poker or at work. One of the two, all of the time. It was nice because he also took Blitz the dog with him to work which meant if me and Nick wanted to make out on the couch we could without the dog constantly barking at me.

"I have a surprise for you. Close your eyes" He grins as he limps slightly over to the kitchen. He wasn't using his cane but he only really used it when he absolutely needed to. For example, climbing the stairs.

"And that surprise is?" I question, gluing my eyes shut and then putting my hands over them just to be sure I couldn't peak. I begin to hear shuffling and then the feeling of something in front of me.

"Surprise!" He says. I open up my eyes and see a huge bouquet of flower.

I take the colourful bunch off of him and take a deep breath. They smelt beautiful.

"They're amazing" I compliment his gift. A guy had never given me flowers before. It seriously was a romantic gesture and it just happened to work in swooning a girl.

"Look inside them" he commands. I attempt to shuffle the flowers positions but nothing was there.

"What do you mean, look inside?"

"You're hopeless" he begins to laugh before sticking his hands in between the flowers and pulling out a small piece of cut out cardboard. It read:

'Will you go to prom with me?'

"This is nearly as good as a proposal" I chuckle looking at him holding up the tiny sign awkwardly. It was cute.

"A proposal would be better. It would be more planned. This was just a last minute thing. I may have forgotten about it." He admits to me.

"A proposal you say? Ever planning on of them?" I wink, immediately thinking of our future together, that would probably never happen. It's just one of them things.

"Well, if we were older I would. I mean they tell you to marry the person you love the most and you are that person." He gives me a warm smile. I grasp the flowers tightly, they were so beautiful and smelt amazing.

"So, do you have a suit?"

"A suit?" he looked confused.

"For prom?"

"Oh, yeah. Yeah, I do. It's really just uncle Pete's old one but it'll do, right?" he asks me concerned whether or not he would have to fork out a large chunk of cash to get a suit for one night.

I never understood why people spend so much money on things such as weddings. I know it's only one day and I know that it's important but $1000 for a wedding dress you will only ever wear once? Ridiculous if you ask me, the moths would just nibble away at it in your attic after the big day.

"It'll do" I reassure him. I couldn't wait for prom now that I thought about it. I was actually extremely excited.

"Do you have a dress?"

"Yes, but that's none of your business" I wink. He rolled his eyes, 'just girl stuff' he most likely thought to himself.

"I'll just have to wait then, won't I?" He sighs.

"Its only next Friday, I think you can wait that long to see a damn dress. Anyway, since when do you like dresses?" I laugh at him as he seemed to get excited about seeing the dress my mom had picked out for me.

"I only like dresses when you're inside them" he smiles examining my body, his eyes travelling to places they probably weren't meant to.

"Stop it" I groan before slapping him on his arm.

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