1 - Test

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"You know I love you, right?" Nick asked me as he brushed back my hair. We were sat underneath a tree in the park on a blanket that Nick had brought for us. His dog was wondering around in front of us, it was the nicest day of the year so far even though it was March.

"I know" I smile at him.

"You're suppose to say I love you back" he chuckled.

"I love you too" I sigh.

"That doesn't sound very enthusiastic. You're supposed to do it like this." Nick stands up and coughs slightly.

"What are you doing?"

"I LOVE CLEMENTINE!" Nick shouts out to all of the people in the park, they all turn their heads slightly. Most likely thinking to themselves why some random guy is shouting about his love for fruit. His dog Blitz barks happily and races over to him.

"I don't know how you do it but you're an idiot. A cute idiot." I announce blushing. It was true, he was an idiot but an idiot who knew how to be a great boyfriend.

"I'd much prefer to be called 'cute' than an 'idiot'" His face gleams at my previous comments.

I shuffle around in the bag for something to drink. Nick had packed us an entire picnic and we had sat and ate it under the tree. He was good at making sandwiches but something told me he had brought them and wrapped them up to make it look as if he had made them but I couldn't be too sure. It didn't matter, it was the thought that counted.

"I'm sort of nervous for later" I admit to him after taking a sip of water from a bottle I had dug out of the bag.

"You'll be fine, you know how to do it now." Nick comes and sits back down beside me.

"What if I mess it up?"

"You can always take it again, it's not the end of the world. Just think if you pass this, you can drive yourself to the mall." His words tempt me, being able to drive myself to the mall whenever I liked seemed like a great plan.

I was worrying about my driving test which was later on today.

"I guess. I'm just nervous." I sigh. Nick places his arm around me and brings me in closer for a hug. I rest my head on his chest.

"You going to be fine, but when you pass you need to take me to Starbucks." Nick laughs.

"Do I?" I look at him funnily.

"I take you everywhere, I at least deserve a coffee." He smiles at me once more before kissing me. Interrupted by Blitz who barked whenever we touched lips.

"He really doesn't like me kissing you" I chuckle.

"Doesn't matter what he wants, I like you kissing me." He goes to kiss me again and Blitz barks. I push him off laughing.

"He really really doesn't like it."

"He's just jealous" Nick pats his lap and Blitz comes over to him wagging his tail. Nick puckers up as the dog approaches.

"Please don't kiss the dog" I beg trying not to laugh.

"He just wants a kiss...see" the dog licks his face and Nick screws up his nose.

"That's fucking disgusting, remind me to never to kiss you again" I burst out laughing.

"Don't you want a sloppy dog kiss too?" Nick sticks out his tongue and heads towards me.

I stick out my arms to try and stop him...from licking my face. That's a weird sentence.

"No no no no" I giggle as he comes closer. Blitz barks once again and Nick moves away. I'm extremely thankful for that.

Nick drove me home and I waited for my driving instructor to arrive. Nick waited patiently with me and wished me luck when he pulled up. The test was nerve racking and I was terrified of failure the entire way around. I made a few mistakes and I mentally kicked myself every time I did so. I was sure I had messed up, there was no way I could pass.

"You just scraped it, you passed. You needed 87 points to pass, you got 88. Congratulations." The instructor groans.

"Thank you, thank you so much" I praise him for his help. When I get home I instantly text Nick the good news as I walk up my drive away and enter my house.

"Did you pass?" My mom excitedly stands up from the couch and drops her reading material.

"Yes!" I screech and we collide giving each other warm hugs.

"I'm so proud of you, your dad will be too." My mum says, she sounds as if she is about to cry.

"Thanks mom." I blush.

"We should go out for a meal to celebrate. Maybe it could be a perfect opportunity for Nick to 'meet the parents'" she says excitedly.

"What are you suggesting?" I question her.

"I'd like to properly meet this Nick guy. I'm sure your dad has some questions as well" she admits. I look at her blankly.

"Don't do this mom." I complain.

"Look, its only a family meal. Just Nick can come as well." She shrugs.

"I'll have to ask him"

"We can go somewhere really nice. Tell him to wear something smart." She orders.

"I doubt he even has anything smart" I mutter under my breath laughing a little. Mine and Nicks banter was practically one of my favourite things about our relationship.

"He sounds like a nice boy, treats you well I hope." My mom wonders off.

"He does. He's really nice mom" I assure her. I didn't want her to worry about my boy situations.

"Can't wait to meet him formally. Get him to come along, we'll buy him his meal and everything just bring him along." She pressures.

"Alright" I sigh trying to get her to stop talking. I pull out my phone to text him but I already had a reply from him from my previous message.

'Proud of you x'

His message makes me smiles and I text him the question.

'You want to come to a Hutchinson celebrational family dinner? X'

I wait anxiously for a reply.

'As long as you're there, I don't mind coming along.'

His text makes me smile. Everything was perfect.

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