13 - Mr.Grumpy

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A strange car journey slowly halted as we arrived outside the cinema complex. We all bought tickets and then made our way over to the snackbar. I was pretty sure Luke brought out half of their stock coming away with the largest bag of popcorn I had ever set my eyes upon.

"You want anything?" Nick asks me as he grasps onto my waist.

"Not really, I'm good" I admit shrugging. He pushes my hips to the side so he could get through to the line. He came back with what looked to be a coca cola and a bag of sweets. He wasn't a big fan of popcorn.

We were waiting for the screen to open and we stood in the lobby awkwardly. I announce that I was just going to the bathroom and Rachel follows me. We end up standing by the bathroom mirrors and fix our hair in unison.

"You and Nick okay? He seems a little off today." She admits. She must have noticed that Nick wasn't his usual excitable self.

"He just had an unwanted birthday gift, that's all" I mutter as I brush my hair back. She begins to apply more makeup to her face.

"Well let's try and make him enjoy today. You want some?" She gestures towards her power and I accept her offer.

"Thanks" I give her a warm smile. It actually made me look good. I wasn't usually the one to smear my face in makeup but a little bit was alright. Nick said I looked too different with it on, he was so used to seeing my scruffy self as I woke up beside him.

"You look really pretty Clem. I really am sorry about them times before, I wasn't...myself." She admits looking into my eyes with an honest glare.

"I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have gone anywhere near Luke. I didn't even know you were together at the time." I snigger a little and she does the same.

"That's the past, I guess. You're really good with Nick, he's brightened up a lot since you came to the scene. He never used to be like he is, when you showed up it was as if he turned into an entirely new person." She explains as she plies her makeup back into the bag.

"How so?"

"He kept to himself a lot. He would go out with Luke sometimes, when we first started dating but it was nothing special. He would enjoy parties the most, usually get wasted to the point of vomiting on Luke's shoes. He seems happier with you." She admits. I let off a little shrug thinking about her words and then I remember we spent a lot longer in the bathroom than Luke and Nick probably would have liked.

"We best be getting back to the boys" I suggest with a sigh. She nods and I follow her out of the bathroom. We walk through the lobby and approach Luke who was nibbling from the top of the bag of popcorn and Nick sipping on the largest cup of coca cola I had ever seen.

"You girls took your time" Luke taps his feet.

"They're girls Luke, what do you expect?" Nick rolls his eyes as he comments.

I hit him lightly in the arm as we walk into the dark room finding our seats nearer the back. It wasn't very busy, which I guess was a good thing. Luke kept popping popcorn into Rachel's mouth as she giggled which made me and Nick cringe slightly.

He had been quite distant throughout the day, since the card but he placed his hand on my leg as the film played. This way Luke wouldn't judge his manliness if he didn't touch me at all. But at this point, the hand on the leg gesture felt like an apology. As if he felt guilty for being that distant with me.

The film rolled on. It was some stupid romantic comedy that had overpaid actors in. Basically something that should have never even made it into cinemas.

"Hey get your own drink" Nick whispers as I grab his coca cola.

"Just a little bit" I flutter my eyelids at him as I hold the paper cup out of his reach. He ends up rolling his eyes as I slurp the drink through the straw.

"I said I'd buy you your own drink, you never listen" he sighs.

"I just wanted to share with you" I give him a cheesy grin and he ends up just kissing my lips quickly to shut me up. I smiled at the fact he was able to ignore his dads messages for a little while even though I knew that it would be floating at the back of his head.

The credits end up rolling. Thank God. I couldn't bare another 5 minutes of Rob Schneider prancing around on the screen. Nicks crutches were positioned on the seat next to me and I reached over to grab them, turning to Nick. He had his head back, he was asleep.

"Do you think we should sharpie a penis on his forehead?" Luke laughed at this comment as he see's his friend knocked out from boredom.

"You didn't keep him entertained enough Clem" Rachel remarks with a smirk. I shake my head and laugh slightly.

Luke stands up and flicks his friend on the ear.

"Hey asshole, wake up" Luke says to Nick. Nick flinches and grasps hold of the chair not realising where he was. He looks up and sees us all glancing down at him. I just pass him his crutches and he looked a little shock.

"Over already?" He questions rubbing his eyes.

"You didn't miss much, trust me" I chuckle as he stands up putting his crutches under his arms.

Rachel and Luke walk out hand in hand and me and Nick trail behind. They looked like a power couple now they were actually happy. Like the couples you see modelling on beach making out as silhouettes. They were just so well suited now she didn't seem like a psychopathic bitch.

Then there was me and Nick. The awkward couple hobbling through the lobby and out of the doors. I hold the door open for him on his crutches and walk out. The door closed quicker than expected clipping my heels and making me falls into the back of Nick. He manages to keep up straight not making any further damage on his leg.

"Careful!" He shouts. My face flushes bright red and a few people stare at me like I was some sort of evil overload that intentionally wanted to hurt the kid on crutches.

"Sorry" I whimper as Rachel and Luke turn around still wrapped around each other.

"Whatever" he groans. His little nap had made him grumpy once again. I decided to leave him to do whatever he needed to do. If it was space he needed, I could happily give him that. If he needed me by his side I could also get there easily.

After I help Nick into the shotgun position of the car I shuffle to the drivers seat. Luke and Rachel were still 'connected' in the back seat. I started up the car and we drove off. Nick seemed to be really hating his birthday. Was there anyway it could get worst?

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