8 - Late

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"I didn't mean anything by it" I apologised.

"Alright, I know. I didn't mean to snap" he sighs. I didn't want to bring up the hat conversation again.

"You want to order pizza?" I ask him sitting up with a smile.

"As long as I get extra cheese." He grins as I reach for my phone.

"We'll just have to see about that." I walk out the room as I dial the pizza place. I spoke to Nick until the pizza came, perched at the end of the bed poking his good foot for a joke whilst he wore some thick black 'south park' socks.

I quickly gallop down the stairs when the doorbell goes off and I hand the pizza delivery guy the cash. I look on his nametag. His name was 'Glenn'. I thank him and tip him before he drives off in a white car. I go back upstairs holding the pizza and a bottle of coca cola.

"I love it when my girlfriend cooks me dinner." He laughs as I hand him the pizza box.

"Because I totally cooked this..."

"Close enough" he flips open the box and begins to tuck into the pizza. I grab a slice and sit beside him. It wasn't exactly the romantic meal people might ask for, cheap pizza, whilst your inactive boyfriend lays in bed with a dodgy leg. But it was good enough for me. We hadn't been on dates before, we just hung out a lot together.

Sometimes we would buy DVD's and watch them throughout the night or sometimes we would play video games or maybe even just cuddle in the back of his pickup truck and watch the stars. Although we could no longer do that.

We both drink out of the same coca cola bottle and he laughs at me as I nearly pour it all down myself. We wolfed down the entire pizza easily and I sat beside him feeling nicely full up.

"We should do this everyday" he suggests.

"You mean eat pizza and laze about everyday after school?"

"Of course, I mean why not?"

"Because then we'll both become extremely fat. Like them couples that just eat takeaways and have sex all day whilst they still have 7 kids to look after" I once again cuddle up beside him underneath the covers and I use his chest as a pillow.

"Fast food and sex? All day? Sounds appealing" he winks. I hit him playfully.

"As much as I'd love to stuff my face with chips whilst having sex all day. I'd much prefer to stick the that whole education thing." I laugh. He just shakes his head.

I listen to his breath as I relax on his chest. He occasionally kisses the top of my head whilst he stroked my hair. It seemed strange that just a few months ago I was like this with Luke, but less intimate. I never had sex with Luke, I never really cuddled with him, I never really loved him as much as I claimed. Nick and me had a connection, something I could never replace. He was just perfect for me because he wasn't perfect. He had his flaws no doubt about it, but Luke would try and ignore his flaws and aim for perfection. Nick has just been himself around me the entire time. I loved Nick more than I loved Jack Graham in 3rd grade, and I used to follow him everywhere.

Nick being in his position meant we could no longer partake in the 'activities' that we would usually do so we changed it up a bit. If you know what I mean. Let's just stop the conversation at...it was more for Nick than it was for me.

Nick didn't mind staying stationary whilst I made out with him for a good 15 minutes. Everything about the movements of his lips were perfect. You would think Luke would be a better kisser than Nick due to his 'practice'. But I loved mine and Nick's make out sessions more than anything, especially after or during certain activities.

"I love you so damn much" he whispers to me as we slowly release our lips. I flop myself back onto his chest and close my eyes once again. I could feel him playing with my hair. Before I knew it, I was asleep. I was just so relaxed, so calm. It was a good feeling.

I woke up to something touching me. It was Nick staying close to me as he stroked my side and nuzzled his head in my neck. I pretend to stay asleep for a little while longer because I enjoyed being close with him. He kissed my neck, his bristly chin tickled me and I flinched.

"Sorry" he whispers trying to calm me back down again by continuously rubbing my side with his warm hand. It was good fun resembling cutlery for a long time until I finally cracked my eyes open and glared at the clock on his bedside table. It took me a second to process it was 10am.

"Shit" I mutter as I instantly spring out of bed surprising Nick. I find my T-shirt I had throw on the floor the night before and put it over my head.

"Where are you going?" He asks in a sad tone. Like a child when their mother leaves them.

"Unlike you, I have school" I roll my eyes. Pissed off I couldn't spent the rest of the day in bed with him.

"Fuck, I forgot about that. Sorry I didn't wake you." He mutters, feeling guilty.

"No, its fine. Now I guess I'll be back after school." I lean over and give him a hug and plump his pillows once more before I leave.

"Can you just stay here all day?" He says in a flirtatious voice dragging me closer towards him, making it more tempting to stay.

"As much as I want to, I really can't" I sigh. He strokes my cheek.

"Well then you have a good day at school" I lock my lips onto his and say my goodbyes. I felt quite upset as I ran down the stairs and headed off to school. I was over an hour late when I arrived, no shower or change of clothes I looked awful.

"Jesus Christ, what happened to you?" Luke glares at me as if I was covered in faeces or something. But in reality I just looked scruffy.

"Fuck off, if you really must know I spent night at Nick's... By accident" I add.

"So that's why you look like shit?" He smirks.

"Well I wasn't planning on staying all night, so I didn't exactly bring a spare change of clothes or my hairbrush." I admit looking like an idiot.

"Nick wheeling you in with his 'manly charms' again" Luke teases referring to the time I slept with Nick when I was still dating Luke.

"You're an ass" I announce shaking my head at him.

"I know" he smirks and goes to find Rachel. Everyone seemed so much different in the new year, it was so strange. Rachel had finally decided to be civil which was the most alien of all things.

"You want to do something sometime?" She asks me happily. I give her an odd look. What had this girl done with Rachel?

"I don't know..." I say uneasily.

"Look, I know that we won't be friends straight away but I want to at least try. At least give me that." She begs.

"What made you change so much?" I question trying not to sound too rude.

"I was going to have an abortion. I went to the clinic and I couldn't do it. It just felt wrong. It made me realise that I'm going to be a mom this time next year and I refuse to treat this child the way my mom treated me." She sighs. She looked tearful.

"Sure, maybe we can go out sometime" I give her a warm smile. I felt a little bit of sympathy for her, it couldn't be easy being a pregnant teen.

"How about a double date when Nicks better?" She barks up excited by her idea.

"Yeah, that sounds...good" I tell her.

At least she was making an effort, right?

Holstering High School 2 (The Walking Dead Game - Alternative Universe)Where stories live. Discover now