10 - Novelty gifts

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It was Friday night and we were having a good time giggling together in the restaurant. His crutches laid out underneath the table attempting not to trip any passers by. He seemed happy to be out of the house. I had already planned on spending all weekend around Nick's. Luckily Pete was on a hunting trip with a few of his old friends leaving the house free for me and Nick to party and do whatever we wanted.

"Do we have to pay for the salad or do we get it free?" He questioned studying the menu and glancing back at the salad in the middle of the table.

"I'm not sure"

"Cause I ain't touching it if I'm going to have to pay for it. Its a pathetic salad anyway. Who hears of a salad without tomato's?" He studies the salad more before poking his nose back into the menu.

"So what do you want to do for your birthday?" I question him leaning my head on my hand. His head slowly moves away from the menu as I speak.

"I'm not sure, what do you think?"

"It's your birthday, you decide." I pressure him.

"Cinema?" He suggests with a sigh. Nick was the sort of person who never really cared about his birthday, it was just another day to him.

"It's up to you, you have all night to decide" I tell him. He digs his head back into the menu to search for a suitable meal. The waiter shuffles over and asks for our orders. We both tell him what overpriced meal we want cooked and served and he walks away with a fake smile holding up his heavy cheeks.

Our dinner come back a little later and we eat together. Dessert ended up being the largest banana split I had ever set my eyes. Me and Nick shared it across the table with each other, most likely making the people around us cringe.

We half the cost of the bill. Usually Nick would make sure he paid every cent but I insisted that I paid. He wouldn't allow it, making us settle on half each. I open the doors for him as he makes his way out swinging on his crutches. Leg still in bad shape.

When we get back to his house I grab my bag out of the back with my spare change of clothes and other overnight items. This time I was prepared unlike every other time.

"So now we're here, what do we do?" He slumps himself down on the couch.

"Well I have your birthday presents with me. You could open them now? But you wouldn't get anything tomorrow." I say. There wasn't a lot else we could do.

"So you're telling me, you had to wrap these presents up? I was hoping they came pre assembled on you" he grins. I give him a dirty glare and pick up the nearest pillow on the couch to throw at him. He cowers as I throw it.

"Do you want them or not?" I ask again.

"I guess" he shrugs, still laughing a little from his previous comment.

I reach into my bag and take out the presents. One by one I handed them to him and he shredded them apart. He got through the video game and CD's easily and then he ended up getting to the hilarious novelty gifts.

He opens it and gives me a 'are you fucking kidding me?' look.

"Penis straws? Want am I meant to do with these?" He bursts out laughing.

"That's your decision to make" I laugh along with him. He wipes the tear of laughter from his eye, I pretty much did the same.

I decide to hand him my most favourite gift which was a rectangular shape and a card. I tell him to open the card first, he was presented with various mugshots of himself and pictures of us together. He grinned with happiness.

"See, this is the reason I hate you screenshotting my Snapchat" he chuckles holding up the card.

"Open up the last gift" I say excitedly gesturing towards it. Now this gift, I liked so much I had to get one myself. They were both the same however Nick's had something different in it, something he would never find.

He ripped open the paper and a white frame was shown. He pulled it out smiling at the photo frame with a picture of us together in. A cheesy gift but it meant something to him. Little did he know, I did end up writing that bible about him and I tucked it in between the back of the frame and the photograph. He'd never find it, hopefully one day when he's angry at me maybe he would smash the frame and find the letter, reading it and making him forgive my mistake, whatever that mistake could possibly be.

"I wish I could sweep you off your feet right now, but I need both of my feet for that" he laughs once again looking down at his leg, still wrapped up. In a couple more weeks he could get rid of the crutches and most likely replace it for a cane.

I give him a little smirk and sit on his lap on the couch.

"You okay with me staying here?" I ask anxiously.

"Of course I am. I was the one who invited you here in the first place" he laughs at me as he cradles me like a baby. It was nearly midnight. It was strange since we had gone out for dinner quite late at night and only gotten home in the last half and hour.

I yawn and lay on him, he looks down at me again giving me that heart warming smile I adored so much.

"Tired?" He asks me.

"Yeah" I sigh.

"I'll take the couch if you want, get the bed to yourself" he suggests. I shoot him a look.

"I sleep better when you're with me" I smile hugging him more.

"Alright, if I have to" he sighs sarcastically. I knew he loved cuddling me to sleep and he couldn't deny it, else he wouldn't do it every time I stayed overnight.

I got up off of him and pulled him up passing him his crutches and following him up the stairs. I get ready for bed and help him as well as he struggled a little bit with his leg in bad shape.

After going to the bathroom Nick lifts up the blankets and I crawl in beside him. I had to squish against him as his bed was quite small. I didn't mind he was warm and made me feel safe. The light was off and there was just the moonlight shining through the window as Nick never bothered to shut his blinds. But the moonlight was enough to see his face, it was quite bright.

I turn around to face Nick and I shut my eyes. Prepared to fall asleep. But I wasn't falling asleep, I was passionately kissing Nick without a second thought. It was like an instinct, something that just happened. But it wasn't bad.

He would have totally thrown me over and allowed more movement in his kiss but due to his leg we were pretty much at a stand still. I released my lips and looked at him.

"18 year olds are even better at kissing" I smile and he smirks.

"I'm not 18 yet" he argues.

"Its gone midnight" I inform him.

"Oh, well then I guess my skills have just gotten better" he couldn't help but chuckle before puckering up once again. I didn't argue as his fingers stroked the back of my head.

Yet again I released.

"We should get some sleep" I suggest. He gives me an odd look as if he was disappointed I wouldn't take our little kiss any further tonight.

"Right...okay" he sighs pulling me closer for a hug.

I finally fall asleep in the grip of his arms.

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