16 - Rehabilitation ruiner

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Two weeks had passed since Bonnie had been murdered. The state of the school was beginning to return to its usual self. Nick was getting rehabilitation for his leg so he could drop the crutches and just use a cane. Pete was at work so I told him I would pick him up after work.

He opens the car door and gets inside. Nick was getting back to his usual self as well. He was no longer afraid to crack a joke and be himself. The fear of his dad showing up had subsided. It didn't look likely that he would show up.

"You getting any better walking on that leg?" I ask him as I start up the car again.

"I think, it just feels weird. A little painful at times" he admits shuffling in his seat as he pulls the seat belt across his chest.

"I'm sure you'll get the hang of it" I encourage him as the car pulls out of the centre's car park.

"So...I was thinking... McDonald's" he suggests turning his head to face me. I could see his little grin burning into the side of my face.

"I'm going to get fat" I laugh.

"At least we'll be fat together" he shrugs. I sigh and turn the car in the other direction and head for the nearest McDonald's.

I hope he was paying because the bank of Clementine was a little low. But when we got to the drive thru he handed me his card.

"I'll take this one" he announces. I take the card off of him and place it into the machine.

Was it bad that I knew his pin number?

At the next window I grab all of the food and throw it onto Nick's lap. He didn't seem too impressed by it but eventually gave in. We drove back to Nicks house and I took all of the food off of him so he could unlock the door. When we get inside the house I throw the food onto the kitchen counter and I watch him shut the door.

"Hey look, no hands" he puts his crutches to the side and stands. But I could see the air between his bad leg and the floor.

"You're cheating" I accuse him whilst laughing. He looks down at his feet and brings it down to the floor. I walk over and grab him in case he falls.

"I'm okay" he says as he attempts to walk. But he suddenly jolts forward as he puts weight on his bad leg. I catch him before he could fall completely on the floor.

"I don't think you should attempt that yet" I tell him as I hold him in a hug.

"Nearly though, nearly" he gives me an uneasy smile. He didn't like the idea that he was pretty shit at walking. I'm sure one day he would walk properly we just had to get to that stage. I grab his crutches from the side and hand them to him as he leans on me for support.

"I think you'll still be needing these" I smile as I give him the crutches. He planted his lips on my cheek.

"Yeah, now where's my big Mac?" he chuckles as he makes his way over to the couch.

I go to the kitchen and pass him the meal by literally throwing him at him. I burst out laughing as the burger flips out of the box and lands onto his shirt.

"You're so lucky there's a bun" he laughs as he picks it up. If there wasn't a bun lettuce and tomato sauce would have been smudged everywhere on his shirt. Which to be fair, would have been pretty funny for me. Not exactly the funniest of moments for Nick.

"Would have been funnier without" I giggle as I sit myself down next to him and place my diet coke on the table.

"So speaking of other things, I saw you and Rachel earlier. Budding friendship I think?" He smiles and me and bites into the burger after he finished.

Me and Rachel had actually been getting along over the past couple of weeks ever since the cinema outing. It surprised me that she actually was a good person.

"We're going to the mall on the weekend" I blush, embarrassed of my new found friendship.

"If you girls get to go to the mall then surely me and Luke get to do something fun as well" he rests the side of his head on the back of the couch. Giving me that cute look he usually does.

"I guess you could. Do something manly, like not washing? Or rolling around in mud?" I joke.

"Fuck off" he laughs. I couldn't see Nick rolling around in mud, nor Luke. They're the sort of guys that would use half the bottle of shower gel in one shower and half the can of axe deodorant for one night out.

As I prepare myself for another bite into the burger there was a knock on the door. I gave Nick a strange look and he shooed me off with his hands to make me answer the door.

"Its probably just UPS, Pete's always ordering shit" he whispers reassuring me.

I walk over to the door and open it slightly. I was expecting to be handed a parcel but instead I was greeted by a man.

The man had piercing blue eyes. He had short black hair but a mass amount of black and grey stubble that could easily form a full beard within a week. He stood with his hand in his pocket and a piece of paper in front of him. I raised an eyebrow at him, wondering as to who he was.

"Does a Nick...Randall live here?" He asks in a husky voice. He sounded a little bit nervous and cautious of me.

"Who's asking?" I say calmly. I wasn't just going to disclose information about Nick just like that.

"Look, I just need to know. Is he here? Have I got the right house?" He says desperately. He began looking around the lawn and then began staring at my car.

I stayed silent as I studied him.

"How about Pete? Did he change his car? Wouldn't have expect the old bastard to do that but...well people change" he mutters to himself.

"That's my car" I tell him.

"Just let me know if he's here, or if you're the new owners of this house. I'm desperate here." He pleads. I look back at Nick who was sat in the chair. He mouthed the words 'who is it?' and I just shrugged.

"Just tell me who you are"

He looked down at his feet and then managed to glanced back up at me.

"Mark...Mark Owens" he repeats. My eyes widen as I remember the name. The same name that was on the bottom of the birthday card. His eyes were ever so familiar, they reminded me of Nicks.

I heard the noise of Nicks crutches as I stood in silence with the stranger. Suddenly Nick came up behind me and peered out the door.


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